Chapter 40

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Tyson's POV:
It's been 4 weeks since we last heard our baby girls voice, saw her smile or felt her touch. The doctors have slowly reversed this mini coma a couple of days ago now it's on Kia to open her eyes. Our babies are growing every day and we took them home last week. We wanted to wait for Kia to name them but we ultimately couldn't wait any longer and named them. Tristan's daughter was named Kaya Tegan Briggs. My sons name is Kaizer Foster Briggs and Toni's daughter was named Kinsleigh Foster Briggs. Kaizer is my exact replica, it's insane. Kinsleigh has Kia's hair and Toni's eyes. Kaya has Tristens eyes and lips but everything else is from Kia. All of the kids are taking Kia's absence hard especially the younger kids. My mom, Carmen and Mia helps us with the kids Kia's businesses so we can be here. Dom flew in to help my dad temporarily run the company for us. Our kids and their significant others have stepped up to help with our many businesses. Thank god no one has gotten knocked up since Kia's been in the hospital. I know my brothers and myself probably look like death warmed over but at this point it's a given considering the situation. In fact between the kids and our friends they have made it their mission to make sure we shower and eat every day. We tried fighting them on it til Rachel and Dom drugged us, stripped us down to our underwear and pushed us into a tub full of cold soapy water. We cussed them both out then proceeded to clean up. Unfortunately Kia would of done the same thing if not worse if she was awake. Her color has returned and has been breathing in her own for over a week. I'm currently sitting next to our wife's bed, spacing out into the reruns playing on the tv, when I hear something. My eyes immediately snap to a pair of bright blue eyes staring back at me. "Babygirl" I choke out as she holds her arms open wanting a hug. I practically tackle her, earning a laugh, while trying to get as close to her as possible. "My strong, gentle mountain man. How long have I been asleep?" Kia quietly asks me as she runs her fingers through my hair. God I missed her touch. "4 weeks baby" I tell her. She nods in return. "How are the babies doing?? What did we have?" She asks me "we have 2 girls and a boy. They are currently at home. They've been home about a week. Court, Mia and my mom have been taking care of the newborns. Rachel, Monica and Carmen have helped with everyone else. Toni and Tristan bring the kids by daily for a couple of hours and one of us always stays with you." I finish telling her with a smile. She smiles back before pressing the call button. I reluctantly separate myself from her as the doctors and nurses come in the room. I step out of the room to send a massive group text to everyone about the good news.

Kia's POV:

I cant believe I've been in a coma for a month. I don't feel any pain or discomfort but I'm sure I will once I leave this bed. I'm not even upset I missed the first few weeks of my newborn triplets. I could of died. Wouldn't be the first time but I could've lost my babies and that's what upsets me. I sit the bed up as the nurses remove most of the tubes from my body leaving the IV in for now. "Hey Kia. I wanted to explain what happened after you blacked out" Dr. Walker says waiting for my response. I give her a nod to continue. "The bleeding you saw was from the placenta tearing away from the uterine wall. So we delivered your babies with no issues. After their delivery we encountered more damage to the uterus itself. Apparently there was a lot more scarring from your previous deliveries that caused more internal bleeding so to save your life we did an emergency hysterectomy. We removed everything as a precaution. I'm so sorry Kia I wish we could of done more" she says with a sad smile. I'm completely stunned. Not mad or hysterical. Just speechless. I guess she takes my silence as me being upset cause I feel her hand in top of mine. "Doc I'm fine. I told you months ago I would gladly get a hysterectomy if medically necessary and from what you just told me, it was, so don't stress it. I'm not upset about this. I've had my babies Doc. My pregnancy days are over and I'm good with that. Now I can have sex and not worry about getting pregnant" I tell her with a smile. "Well I would still like for you to wait another 4 weeks before doing anything that strenuous" she says with a knowing smirk. "I want that in writing Doc" I say in between laughing. A throat clearing catches both of our attention. Standing in the doorway are my gorgeous husbands holding three carriers and two diaper bags. My poor men look awful but now that I'm back to the land of the living that will change. "Seriously Doc? No sex for another 4 weeks. That's a death sentence" Tristan groans out as they walk into the room. "She said no strenuous activity babe. Sex was never mentioned" I say with a smirk "Tomato. Tamato. It still sucks" Tristan grumbles out as Tyson smacks the back of his head giving him a look to behave. Toni walks over with one of the carriers "glad to have you back, love" Toni whispers before pecking my lips. I smile at him as my other husband's do the same. "Alright I'll leave you guys to it. Kia you may shower normally if you would like then back to bed. And knowing your family , your dinner will be arriving shortly. I will check you in the morning and you should be able to go home sometime tomorrow." Dr. Walker says before leaving the room. "Okay show me my babies and tell me their names" I tell my husbands. "This little girl was born first. Her name is Kaya Tegan Briggs and she's mine" Tristan says before handing her over to me. "This little boy is Kaizer Foster Briggs and he's mine" Tyson tells me before placing our son in my other arm. "Wow! He looks exactly like you Ty" I whisper out as I look over my babies. "And our last baby is another girl that we named Kinsleigh Shiloh Briggs. She's mine." Toni says as he lays her on my chest. "We make beautiful babies but I'm kind of happy we won't be having any more babies." I tell them as I watch our youngest wiggle around and make funny faces. "We definitely don't disagree Babygirl. We almost lost you" my mountain man says quietly earning nods in agreement from my other husbands. We spend the rest of the night laughing, eating good food and loving our babies. I went home the very next day just as the Doc promised and hung out with all of the kids til the early hours of the following morning. They are my loves and I don't know what I would do without the next generation.

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