Chapter 21

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  ~6 weeks later~

Frankie's POV:

 Today we finally find out the gender of our baby. Bear is gently rubbing my legs before it's time to go to my appointment. My bump is more noticeable now that I'm 4 months pregnant. I can't believe we're coming up on Christmas in a few weeks. Halloween was kind of boring for me cause it's not my thing. Even when I was a kid I wasn't interested in Halloween. All of the younger kids were losing their damn minds over this shit while I watched Stranger Things with Bear. When Thanksgiving came around I was excited for a good home cooked meal with this crazy family of mine. It's usually at the Briggs home since it's the largest out of everyone's home, well except the guys house since they're renovating and adding on basically another house since we're all going to live together. But I have never seen so much food in my life and I think I out ate Bear for once. By the end of the night all of us were stuffed to death and from what Bear told me I passed out not long after eating those 2 slices of sweet potato pie." Alright babe we have to go now or we will be late and I want to see what we are having" Bear tells me excitedly has he slides my tie dye crocs on my feet before helping me off the couch. 

 Bear helps me into the truck before we head over to the doctors office. The girls already had their appointments earlier today but I haven't had the chance to talk with any of them. I know none of us are doing gender reveal parties. Well last time we all talked no one wanted one but things could change. We pull into the lot with a few minutes to spare.  

I sit down while Bear gets me checked in at the front desk. I feel myself getting tired already. Honestly I'm really questioning when the doctor told me there's only one baby in there. Or the baby is as big as Bear's big ass self. "Baby what's the matter?" Bear asks me as he picks me up and puts me on his lap. "I don't know just tired and your hulk baby is making me hungry." I whined out as he chuckled at my hormones. "Baby I promise I'll rub your legs and feed you Chinese food while we watch Stranger Things for the rest of the day okay?" he tells me just as they call my name. Bear helps me up as we follow the nurse back to the room. She takes my blood pressure and temperature before telling us "Alright the tech will be in here shortly."

I relax on the table as Bear types away on his phone. A few minutes later the tech walks in with the ultrasound machine. "Hey you two. Ready to find out what you're having?" she asks cheerfully. I smile at her and nod. Bear grabs my hand, kissing my hand and looking at the screen. She squirts the gel on my tummy and starts moving the doppler around my stomach. After moving it around she finally stops and turns up the volume so we can hear the heartbeat. "Alright baby looks good. On the larger side but not surprising looking at the both of you. Wanna know the sex?" she asks "Yes please." Bear says excitedly. I just chuckle at his goofy self. "Okay lets take a look." she says as she moves the doppler a little then stops "Well it looks like you two will be having a boy!" she tells us "Oh my god yes!!!" Bear shouts out loudly. I smile at him and his antics. I'm having a boy. He's probably going to be big like Bear. I mean both of us are tall so the odds are in his favor. "Baby we're having a boy. A son. Our firstborn is a son" he says while wiping my tummy off. "Yes babe we are and I already have some names picked out. Wanna hear them?" I ask him as we walk out front to make our next appointment and get the pictures of our boy. "Let's hear em baby" he says kissing the side of my head "Okay I like Brayden, Bodhi, Fallon and Beau. What are your thoughts?" I ask "Hmmm I like Fallon and Bodhi. They go well with my last name. Fallon Severide or Bodhi Severide? I actually like Fallon the most." he tells me. "I definitely like Fallon over Bodhi when you put it like that. But we need a middle name too." I tell him as we take our pictures and head out to the car. "Babe what's your middle name? We never really discussed it for some weird reason." I ask him as we head over to Applebee's. "It's Hayes" he says as we find a parking space "So Fallon Hayes Severide?" I ask him "I like it baby" he says as we look over the menus. I can't help smiling at the thought of our baby boy and all the memories we're going to make while Bear orders three quarters of the menu. 

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