Chapter 18

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The next morning

Gage's POV:
I wake up with my beautiful woman tangled in my arms. Both of us are still naked from all of our sexcapades yesterday. Just like I promised we took a small nap. When we woke up later we began a nonstop fuckfest that carried on into the early hours of this morning before we both passed out from exhaustion. I look down at my beautiful woman as her chest slowly rises and falls. She is so fuckin beautiful. I can't believe she's mine. As I stare at her she rolls away from me giving me a perfect view of her round perky ass. I slide my hand gently down her ass til I find her sweet spot and find her to be soaked already. My dick immediately hardens at the sight. I grab my dick and rub the head in her juices before slowly slide inside of her warmth causing a moan to escape both of us. I start thrusting in and out of her at a slow pace knowing she will probably wake up. I reach around and start rubbing her clit while I start kissing on her neck. Lifting her leg up I pick up my pace making her moans get louder. She turns her head giving me a deep kiss. "Good morning baby" I whisper in between her sweet kisses. Without warning she rolls us over with me deep inside her. "God you're fuckin beautiful. I love you so much baby" I tell her with all love I have for her. "I love you too" she whispers as she begins to slowly slide up and down my length. I reach up and pinch her nipples making her squeeze my dick. She goes faster making her beautiful tits bounce all over the place. "Fuck yes babe" I moan out as she starts slamming down on my dick. I feel her squeezing my dick "Gage I'm close" she gasps out as I take over and hold her still while start jackhammering up into her tight wet pussy making her scream and cuss in pleasure. I feel her strangle my dick as we both cum together moaning loudly. My dick is still twitching inside her as she slumps on top of me breathing hard. We just lay there trying to catch our breaths. As we settle down I kiss her forehead as she runs her fingers on my chest. The sound of our stomachs growling making us both laugh. "I need a shower and some food after all of that" she says while slides off of me. "I think everyone is probably awake since it's almost noon so lets get cleaned up and I'll make us some good food babe" I tell her as we both climb out of the bed and head into the bathroom. Thirty minutes later we're both clean and dressed as we walk out of my room hand in hand. As we make our way downstairs I can smell something delicious cooking and the guys goofing off. I'm not sure if their women are here with them or not. We walk into the kitchen seeing almost everyone is here. Wow I definitely didn't hear anyone show up. "Hey you two you finally came out for air" Charlie says with a smirk making Sami blush a little "Now we can all say we lost our v-cards. Well us pregnant ones are a given" Frankie says as she sips her mango juice in Bear's lap while he holds her close with his big hands on her tummy. I've never seen us all so happy ever. Hell Jax is smiling more considering he has been basically emotionless our entire lives. Dean is making bacon, eggs and fried potatoes while Gunnar is making the biscuits and some sandwiches. Maya has cut up a bunch of fruit and set the bowls on the table. Chase is holding a half asleep Dylan while talking with Bear. I find a seat and pull my baby onto my lap as she talks to Frankie about something. I get lost in thought imagining our future together with kids running around, maybe a dog or two, and happily married. I wrap my arms around her waist as I imagine her pregnant with my babies which after last night and this morning is a high possibility since we fucked bare every single time. We already talked about it and we agreed that if we get pregnant then we will gladly keep the baby.
~a couple hours later~

Jax's POV:

It feels good hanging out with everyone I'm close to. Before we met the girls I never really talked or showed emotion. As soon as I saw Oakley I something happened to me that hadn't happened in a long time, I began to feel something. I watched my best friends claim their girls which honestly they looked like they would give them the world if they could. I've never seen that look until that day in the cafeteria. They watched the girls with a longing look not just a lustful one. I knew I had to make Oakley mine but I'm really not good with emotions so it took me a minute. After I made my move, we've been inseparable ever since. We have set to have sex, not because we don't want to, but she's a virgin and extremely shy. We do a lot of making out but for me this isn't all about the physical connection. So we go on lots of dates and hang out after school all the time. She practically lives here at the house like the rest of the girls do so it's not like she's the only one here. I sit on the couch with Oakley in my lap like the rest of the girls while tracing her fingers along one of my many tattoos. I love it when she touches me and I can't wait for us to take it to the next level in our relationship but I also worry a little about getting her pregnant too soon like the others have.
I'm not afraid of having kids. It's just I didn't really grow up around small kids even when I was a small kid. It was just my mom and me growing up. I don't know who my dad is and gave up asking my mom about him by the second grade. We didn't have much of anything despite my mom working 3 jobs 7 days a week. My mom left me with my aunt a lot of the time and she just happened to work with Gunnar's mom as house staff for the Briggs family. So I naturally spent a good amount of time at their house and at the women's center. At 12 years old I met the guys through a incident that happened at school and have been inseparable ever since. By high school all of us shot up in height and muscle, attracting every female within 100 miles. Of course we all ate it up and proceeded to sleep with a ridiculous amount of girls. A couple of the guys messed around with the female staff at our high school and even a couple of the moms at one point. I never slept with any of the adults but I may have finger banged my Biology teacher a few times for better grades. Not one of my proudest moments but I can't change it now. During our junior year is when I noticed a shy new girl in my class. She had black wavy hair and beautiful ivory skin free of blemishes and layers of makeup. She was wearing a old band T-shirt and a pair of dark jeans with some ratty only chuck taylors. She was adorable. There was so many times I wanted to wrap my arms around her and never let go. But she always avoided guys, especially our group, and was always stuck with Cassidy and Naomi.

I couldn't help but watch her from afar for the rest of the year. I wanted to talk to her and attempted several times with no success. We had several classes together during junior and senior year but we never really talked unless a group project was involved.

I tried not to look like a stalker when she was in the same room as me but I couldn't help but admire her beauty from afar. By the end of my junior year I had completely stopped my random sexcapades and focused on everything involving Oakley. She had some male admirers that I was not thrilled about but she declined them politely until our senior year homecoming. 

Drew, the captain of the wrestling team, showed some interest in her and asked her to go with him. I could tell something was up with that guy from the beginning. His on and off again girlfriend, Tami was head of the dance team. Their status didn't stop them from cheating on each other constantly only to act stupid when it was thrown in their face. Anyways the night of the dance came up and even though I hated dances I went to it for her. She was wearing a pretty lilac dress that came down just past her knees with some white flats. Drew was laying it on thick with her but I could tell he was fuckin with her the moment Tami came up behind him wrapping her arms around him. The look on Oakley's made me wanna beat the shit out of that prick and hold her for the rest of the night.

Before they could upset her further I walked up behind her and whispered in her ear "hey beautiful you wanna leave these shit heads and dance with me?" while wrapping my arms around her waist. I could feel her relax into my arms before turning to face me. She blushed profusely before giving me a nod.  Those two shitheads were completely shocked about what happened and left the dance immediately after our little encounter.

The rest of the night was perfect and we eventually fell asleep in each others arms under the stars completely wrapped up in each other. 

Monday came around and Oakley became a different person. She was colder and flat out ignored people she who had made fun of her since she moved here. She wore a lot more black revealing clothes and stopped covering her tattoos. I had no idea she had as many as she had back then. 

The sweet, shy Oakley was gone. What replaced her sweet persona was nothing less than a little hurricane mixed with a rabid dog. Only a select few could get close to her and they rarely saw her smile let along laugh. 

I hung out with her as much as possible until one day she was gone. We had hung out all weekend like usual but when Monday morning came around she never showed up. I checked everywhere for her but nothing. 

I tried to track her down for weeks until I finally had a meltdown and had to stop searching for my mental health. I moved forward with my life but never forgot her until I saw her a couple months ago. I had no idea she was back in the area. 

As soon as I could I cornered her and demanded answers from her and she practically collapsed in my arms explaining everything that happened. We've been together ever since. We have yet to have sex yet but I wanna go at her pace not mine. 

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