Chapter 14

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It was night time and Bean was sleeping peacefully in her bed. Someone pull the sheet over her.

Bean:(sighs) Thanks, Bunty.

Dagmar: Are my hands that chubby?

Bean:(gasps) Mom? Is that really you?

Dagmar: I'm always here for you, Bean.

Bean: Then why are you floating away?

Dagmar: Just go the music box I gave you as a baby.

Bean: What music box?

Dagmar: The one on the mantel.

Bean: What mantel?

Dagmar: The mantel I gave you as a baby.

Bean: Why did you give me a mantel?

Dagmar: Look, I said I had to go.

Bean wakes up to see that it was all dream. She walked towards the music box.

Bean: I should visit this part of my room more often.

She opens the music box and a small Dagmar was seen holding baby Bean.

Bean: Is that mom and me?

As she carefully closed the music box and set it back on the mantel, Y/n entered the room.

Y/n: Ah, Bean, having a heartfelt moment with the family heirlooms, are we?

Bean: You know, Y/n, sometimes I wonder if these old trinkets have a story to tell.

Y/n: Oh, absolutely! If only they could speak, they'd probably say, "Stop staring at me, you sentimental fool!"

Bean chuckled, appreciating the playful banter that Y/n brought into her room.

Bean: Well, it's nice to reminisce sometimes.

Y/n: Indeed, Bean. Family history can be quite fascinating.

Bean and Y/n continued their conversation, the room filled with an unusual mix of nostalgia and levity. As they chatted, Y/n couldn't help but channel the peculiar humor of Dean Learner.

Y/n: (With a mischievous grin) You know, Bean, these old heirlooms are like the IT department of our lives—always there, rarely understood, and occasionally causing bizarre dreams.

Bean laughed heartily, appreciating the way Y/n brought a unique sense of humor to the room.

Bean: (Chuckling) That's one way to put it, Y/n.

Just then, a couple of Y/n's royal guards barged into the room, looking a bit out of place.

Guard 1: Your Highness, we have urgent news about the...

Y/n: (Interrupting, with a hint of IT Crowd sarcasm) Ah, yes, the "urgent" news. Can it wait? We're in the middle of a deep and meaningful conversation about old trinkets.

Bean: (Smirking) Yeah, guys, we're discussing the mysteries of mantels here.

Guard 2: But Your Highness...

Y/n: (More emphatic) Please, gentlemen, we require some privacy. You know, for sentimental reasons.

With a bemused look, the guards finally acquiesced and left the room, leaving Bean and Y/n to continue their peculiar bonding session.

Bean: (Grinning) Thanks for that, Y/n. They can be a bit overzealous sometimes.

Y/n: (Nodding) Not a problem, Bean. Now, where were we? Oh yes, reminiscing about mantels and their hidden secrets.

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