Chapter 48

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Lissa had been hard at work in her castle, attempting to create her own version of Y/n using her powerful magic. However, her efforts hadn't quite gone as planned, and the result was far from what she had expected.

Lissa: (frustrated) "Come on, it should be simple! Just a little Y/n clone to do my bidding. Why is this so difficult?"

The magical experiment went awry, and the being that emerged from the spell was, to put it mildly, not very intelligent. It stumbled around the room, bumping into walls and tripping over its own feet.

Lissa: (exasperated) "What on earth did I create? You're supposed to be Y/n!"

Lissa's creation, with a vacant expression, stared at her and then promptly walked into a wall again.

Lissa: (sighing) "Well, at least it's loyal, even if it's not the sharpest tool in the shed."

Lissa's attempt at replicating Y/n had clearly missed the mark, and she was left to deal with her not-so-bright creation as it continued its clumsy antics.

Next scene.

Porky continued to pull the wagon as they approached Dreamland. Big Jo, sitting on the wagon, held a sausage over Porky's head, using it as a dangling treat.

Big Jo: "Whoa, Porky. I said whoa!" (holding the sausage out of reach)

Big Jo, teasingly, continued to dangle the sausage above Porky's head.

Big Jo: "Thirty miles per sausages, impressive."

Zog chimed in, confessing to Big Jo:

Zog: "Don't tell Porky, but I just hate the last five sausages."

Big Jo, understanding, responded:

Big Jo: "That's okay. My arms are getting tired from all this sausage dangling."

As they approached Dreamland, the tension was palpable, and Bean expressed her determination.

Bean: "Behold Dreamland. The sight of the ultimate confrontation. Good versus evil. Cursed versus damned, overbearing mom versus disappointing daughter."

Bean was ready for the showdown, confident in her powers and the support of her gang of royal violent friends. She hoped they were waiting for her.

Y/n added his thoughts, highlighting the potential of combining Steamland gears and Dreamland weapons.

Y/n: "With gears from Steamland and weapons from Dreamland combined, we'll be more than ready."

In the midst of their conversation, an unknown enemy attempted to sneak up on them, but Y/n reacted swiftly, tossing a dagger into the foe's forehead.

Unknown Attacker: "Ow!" (falls over)

Next scene

Y/n, eager to prepare for the challenges ahead, retrieved a gadget from Steamland and ensured it was fully operational.

Y/n: "Alright, folks, with this gadget from Steamland, we're ready to take on anything that comes our way!"

they continued to navigate through the bushes, trying to maintain their secrecy, Bean took the initiative to ensure silence. However, Zog's tendency to snap twigs didn't quite align with the stealthy approach.

Bean: "Dad, what are you doing?"

Zog: "Snapping twigs. Calms me down."

Bean, exasperated, took the twig from Zog and tossed it away, hoping to maintain their cover. Porky, ever the loyal assistant, offered another twig, which Zog gladly accepted.

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