Chapter 31

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Dagmar: Let the unholy matrimony commence!

Bean: (confused) What the hell?

Demon in the stadium: What a stunning dress.

Demon 2: So fashion-forward.

Demon: White in Hell, who would've thought?

Demon 3: And her clutch is to die for. (referring to Luci's head)

Bean: (horrified) That's my friend's face! (frantically trying to fix the elevator) Come on, come on!

Dagmar: (snapping fingers) Gomer, restrain her.

Bean: Gomer's here?

Gomer appeared out of nowhere and promptly held Bean in place. The demons chatted excitedly, much to Dagmar's annoyance.

Dagmar: Quiet, all of you! Silence the organ! My daughter is exhausted from her vertical commute. We'll just freshen up her makeup and be right back.

With Gomer's assistance, Dagmar pushed Bean towards the stairs.

Bean: I'm not wearing any makeup. And quit shoving me!

Dagmar: Quit squirming!

Bean: Quit prodding! I'll rearrange your face!

Dagmar: She's always had a fiery spirit, even as a child.

In a swift motion, Bean was shoved against a wall, then forced into a chair.

Dagmar: Stay put.

Bean: Screw you!

Dagmar: Why do you always run away from your weddings? Stop wriggling and let me cover those blemishes.

Bean: They're freckles, and they're just fine. Your twisted schemes have nothing to do with me.

Dagmar: On the contrary, they're all about you. Every twist and turn of your absurd life has been meticulously orchestrated by me. I've orchestrated every detail, even down to the place settings. Farewell, Luci. (tosses Luci's head into the trash) I can't fathom what that worthless demon saw in you, Bean. Bean?

But Bean was gone, having broken a window and leapt out. She ripped a piece of her dress on the way down and landed amidst a horde of demons. Bean immediately sprinted away.

Dagmar: Bridesmaids, apprehend her!

The bridesmaids, struggling with their heels, attempted to follow but were clearly hindered.

Dagmar: (impatiently) Take off your heels!

Bean continued to dash, only to be surrounded by the bridesmaids.

Bridesmaid: (hushing) Be quiet.

Dagmar approached with a sinister smile.

Y/n had finally returned to Steamland, his appearance changing once more as he slipped back into his Alva persona. In the dimly lit workshop, he immersed himself in his inventions, his mind buzzing with creativity and his hands busy at work.

Y/n: (muttering to himself) Now, let's see if I can improve the steam pressure regulator without causing another explosion. Third time's the charm, right Alva?

As he tinkered with gears and levers, his loyal mechanical companions whirred and clanked around him.

Cogsworth: (in an endearing mechanical voice) Master Alva, are we enhancing the combustion efficiency today?

Sprocket: (playful beeping) Beep beep boop!

Y/n: (smirking) You got it, Cogsworth. We're aiming for the most efficient, non-exploding combustion this time.

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