Chapter 39

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[Scene: Dreamland Castle - Morning]

Bean awakens from a nightmare, panting. She's in her room, and Y/n is still in his Alva form. Bean sits up, clearly disturbed.

Bean: (breathing heavily) Ugh, what a crazy dream.

Y/n (Alva): (concerned) You okay, Bean? You seemed pretty worked up.

Bean: (rubbing her temples) Yeah, just another one of those weird dreams. By the way, have I mentioned how much I hate that my mother's name keeps popping up in my dreams?

Y/n (Alva): (comforting) I know it's been bothering you. Maybe talking about it could help.

Bean: (sighs) Maybe. But first, let's discuss Stience.

Y/n (Alva): (raising an eyebrow) You mean science?

Bean: (rolls her eyes) Yeah, that thing. So, in my dream, I was chasing my mom through all these places I've been to before. Maru's Castle, Hell, Hansel and Gretel's Gingerbread House, even that weird underwater place with the Trøgs. It's like a messed-up tour of my life.

Y/n (Alva): (smirking) Well, at least your subconscious has a sense of adventure.

Bean: (gives him a playful glare) Oh, don't encourage it. But the weirdest part was this door radiating red light. I grabbed her hair, and then someone grabbed mine, and I woke up.

Y/n (Alva): (leaning in) That sounds intense. And you never saw her face?

Bean: (shaking her head) Nope, not once. It's like my brain's playing a cruel game of hide and seek.

[Bean shifts her attention to Miri, who's sitting nearby.]

Bean: (addressing Miri) Hey, Miri, got a moment?

Miri: (looking up) Of course, Your Majesty. What's on your mind?

Bean: (leaning back against the headboard) My messed-up dreams, for one. But also, just everything lately. It's like... I'm supposed to be this queen, and I'm still figuring things out. And, you know, my mom, Dagmar, keeps haunting my dreams. It's frustrating.

Miri: (nodding) I get it, Bean. But you're not alone in this. You have people who care about you, who'll support you no matter what.

Bean: (sighs) Yeah, I know. Maybe I should stop complaining so much. After all, I am a queen.

Y/n (Alva): (whispers to Bean) Even queens can have their off days.

Bean: (whispering back) Thanks, Alva.

Miri: (catching the exchange) Oh, don't let me interrupt your romantic whispering. Anyway, about Oona's question, I think Scruffles has been on a feast lately. I'm not sure if anything's left.

[Bean and Y/n share a knowing look, their unspoken connection evident.]

Bean: (grinning) Thanks, Miri. And Alva, let's get to work on some actual science, shall we?

Y/n (Alva): (smirking) Gladly, but you know it's pronounced "science," right?

Bean: (mock annoyance) Yeah, yeah, don't rub it in.

They share a playful moment, their bond stronger than ever.

[Bean is seated on the throne, looking somewhat regal, while Y/n is standing beside her. Miri is diligently mopping the floor.]

Bean: (leaning back, trying to look important) You know, Y/n, I could get used to this queen thing. It's not so bad.

Y/n: (grinning) Well, your royal highness, you do have a certain... queenly charm.

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