Chapter 19

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It was nighttime and everyone decided to head out to have something to eat.

Elfo: This is the fanciest and only restaurant in Elf alley.

Bean: Nice. Ow.

She hit her head on the sign on the way in which made Luci snicker.

Y/n: Ah, yes. It's good to eat something that isn't freshly killed for once. I have my share of freshly cooked pelicans and they are quite tender, you should give them a shot.

Luci hit himself on the way in which made Bean chuckles. Y/n and Bean were having trouble around due to them being too big.

As Y/n and Bean found themselves in the narrow confines of the elf restaurant, they became the center of attention. Elfo, eager to showcase his favorite spot, gestured to an available table.

Elfo: (Beaming) Please, take a seat, my friends. This establishment is the crème de la crème of Elf Alley.

Bean managed to maneuver herself into a chair, her stature clearly not designed for such compact seating.

Bean: (Smirking) Elves sure know how to create cozy corners.

Luci, always ready for a laugh at Bean's expense, couldn't help but chuckle.

Luci: (Grinning) It's like trying to fit a bull in a china shop.

Y/n, with his humor reminiscent of Maurice Moss and Dean Learner, seized the moment with a quip.

Y/n: (Smirking) Ah, yes, fine dining for ants. I've dined in smaller spaces, but this takes the cake.

As they settled in, they perused the elfin menu, which featured a range of exotic dishes.

Elfo: (Excited) You should try the enchanted mushrooms. They're not only delicious but also provide a unique perspective on things.

Bean: (Curious) Enchanted mushrooms, you say? Well, I'm all for a little adventure.

Luci: (Grinning) I've seen enough oddities today to last a lifetime.

Waiter: Yow. Two low chairs for the gentleman and lady.

Am elf then cut two chairs for Bean and Y/n to sit in.

Y/n: Well, this is weird.

Luci: Yeah, feel dainty don't it?

Waiter: And your chair, Junior.

There was a baby size chair for Luci to sit in the waiter struggled a bit to get Luci in his chair.

Y/n: (Grinning) Well, this is certainly a unique dining experience.

Luci, perched in his own tiny chair, couldn't resist throwing in a jab.

Luci: (Smirking) Look at us, we're practically hobbits now.

The elf waiter finally managed to seat Luci, who seemed both bemused and disgruntled in his undersized chair.

Waiter: (Cheerful) And your chair, Junior.

Y/n: (Chuckles) Seems like we're in for a night of whimsical proportions.

Bean: (Laughing) I've always wanted to feel like a giant.

Y/n: Okay, what's on the menu? Elfo, you're an elf, what do you think they are gonna serve us?

Elfo: Only the most delicacies around here. People would kill for them. As in people break a lot of necks for them.

Y/n: Then I say they're to die for.

There were some candy canes for the appetizers.

Elfo: Guys, don't fill up on candy. Our main course is coming.

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