Chapter 37

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Y/n and Bean reluctantly let go of each other, the gravity of their survival sinking in. Bean absently touched her star necklace, lost in thought.

Zog: Beanie! Y/n! You're alive!

The cheers erupted, a mixture of joy and disbelief.

Luci: I'm still the house, Bean!

The group gathered around Bean, with uncertain smiles. The assumption that Y/n had played a role in saving her was in the air, yet not fully confirmed.

Oona: (in her distinct way of talking) Every time I find you alive is such nice surprise.

Derek: (sulking) You never hugged me 'cause I was alive. I hate this family. (kicked sand, then stalked off)

As the crew began to move, Elfo's curiosity got the best of him.

Elfo: So what the hell happened? How'd you manage to beat us back to shore?

Y/n: (with a grin) Oh, you know, I summoned a magical sea serpent, and it just towed us all the way here. They're quite friendly this time of year.

Bean: (raising an eyebrow) Really? A magical sea serpent?

Y/n: (chuckling) Okay, maybe not that. We just got some help from a friendly sea turtle and swam our way back.

Bean: (nodding) Yeah, pretty much the gist of it.

Elfo: (still skeptical) Sea turtles aren't known for speed.

Y/n: True, but this one was on a mission. We convinced it to enter the world sea turtle championships.

Elfo: (intrigued) World sea turtle championships?

Y/n: (grinning) Nah, I'm just messing with you. We had a turtle that was all about getting us back safely.

Luci saw an opportunity to stir up the moment.

Luci: (addressing the pirate crew) Rejoice! Queen Bean hath risen from the depths and ordains you all to spend your loot at Luci's pub.

Bean: (correcting) I didn't exactly ordain anything, but whatever.

Luci: (rousing the crew) Half-eaten nachos, crab legs, and the finest concoctions for the scallywags! Come and get it!

Luci's call to indulgence sparked an enthusiastic response. The crew embraced the festive spirit, enjoying the eccentric offerings only Luci's pub could provide.

Y/n found himself in a dimly lit room, surrounded by shelves of dusty tomes. He stood in front of an old book titled "Exes: A Comprehensive Guide to Failed Relationships." He let out a sigh and started flipping through its pages, each one revealing a face from his past.

Y/n: (with a deadpan tone) Ah, yes, my illustrious collection of exes. Let's take a trip down memory lane, shall we?

He pointed to the first picture, a woman with a glare that could turn wine into vinegar.

Y/n: (sarcastically) Ah, Maria. The one who taught me that candlelit dinners and poetry don't mix well with allergies. Thanks for the bout of sneezes during Shakespeare, you truly added to the ambiance.

He moved to the next page, featuring a woman with a ferocious scowl.

Y/n: (rolling his eyes) And here we have Jessica, or as I fondly remember her, the "Don't You Dare Look at Another Woman" phase of my life. You truly were a pioneer in possessive behavior. Bravo.

He turned another page, revealing a picture of a woman who appeared to be sobbing dramatically.

Y/n: (imitating her) Oh, Bethany. You showed me the true meaning of drama. No one could make a simple grocery store trip into a Shakespearean tragedy quite like you.

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