Chapter 22

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Y/n felt he was stuck in a dark area and he can't figure out where he is at at the moment.

Y/n: Where the hell am I? Am I dead? I must be in hell by the moment. But where the hell am I am? I must be somewhere but I can't see in this pitch black area. Hello! Can anyone hear me? I guess they can't. Or I must be dreaming and in this dream there is just complete darkness in which I can't see. This is getting really trippy and I just want to go home right now. Can someone please say something just so I could know where I am and am I even alive at the moment? I just need a few second to see where I am?

Next scene.

Bean took her chance and ran with her companions.

Bean: My mom's not just messing with heads, she's eating them.

She ran into her mother again.

Dagmar: Oh, Bean. Running from your mother is so last year.

Bean began to run.

Bean: Elfo's more of a mother to me than you.

Elfo: Oh, this ruins so many f stairs but opens up so many new ones.

They ran until they were close to an edge. They looked on the other side to see Trogs that were just standing around.

Bean: They can't get to us.(panting) We can take a breather.

Luci began mooning them.

Luci: Hey, Bug eyes, how you like this moon?

The Trogs began getting on top of each other and formed a bridge.

They continued running. They appear to be running in the same place until they ran into Dagmar again. They ran again only to find the elves cornered and caged.

Dagmar: Oh, good, you  found the dungeon. You know, it's a shame it had to end up this way. I really do love you.

Bean: Then set me free.

Dagmar: Not that much. Actually, pretending to care about your feelings was exhausting.(gasps) And I no longer have to call you "darling"

Bean: Great. How about you also stop calling me "honey," "sweetie" and "disappointment"?

Dagmar: Have it your way, fat-arse.

Bean: Flat-ass!

Dagmar: Elf diddler!

Bean: Skull sucker!

Dagmar: Destiny denier!

Bean: Prophecy hag!

Dagmar: Squirrel face!

Bean: Well, at least I don't have a small waist and long legs!(sighs)

Luci: Yeah, you should slump.

Next scene.

Y/n was still in the dark.

Y/n: I'm so bored and hungry little. When I'm this bored, I would throw something like a scepter and and destroy someone's wagon or skull because that would lighten up my mood a little. First I'm gonna take a rock and scratch something.

He took a rock and scratch something appears to be a torch and it lights up. He picked it up and then it lights up the dark room that he was in. He looked around to see Trogs everywhere. He screamed and began moving around in a barrel.

Y/n: I'm getting the hell out of here. There's ugly babies from hell I tell ya and they're staring into my soul and they're gonna take my soul straight into hell. I don't wanna go to hell! Help!

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