Chapter 33

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As the airship glided through the skies, Y/n took the opportunity to share tales of their past escapades and youthful romantic endeavors.

Y/n: You know, back in the day, I was quite the heartthrob. I've had more exes than you can count on a tree full of squirrels. There was Brenda the Brave, who could out-climb any tree and out-burp even the burliest ogre. And then there was Penelope the Perilous, who insisted on challenging every dragon we came across to a dance-off. Oh, and who could forget Gertrude the... well, Gertrude. She had an impressive collection of snail shells and a laugh that could wake the dead. (chuckles)

Jerry: (chiming in) I once dated a marshmallow. Sweet, but a bit too gooey for my liking.

Bean: (disenchantment humor) Well, that's a lot of colorful characters. Did you ever find true love?

Y/n: (grinning) True love? Is that like finding a unicorn that can juggle flaming swords while tap-dancing? Nah, I preferred a bit of unpredictability and a whole lot of laughter. By the way, in my kingdom, we had a pond that turned into jelly during full moons—slippery and wobbly, just the way I like it.

Luci: (raising an eyebrow) Ah, the things people do in the name of adventure.

Y/n: Absolutely! Now, who's up for a riveting game of "Guess the Goblin Goo"?

And so, as they sailed through the skies, Y/n's stories of quirky romances and mischievous escapades filled the air, offering a youthful and carefree diversion from their current situation.

As the airship soared through the clouds, Bean found herself captivated by Y/n's stories, their youthful energy and adventurous spirit proving to be quite infectious.

Bean: (leaning in with a smirk) So, Y/n, any of those exes still have a place in your heart?

Y/n: (playfully) Oh, plenty of space, just like a dungeon full of treasure chests. But you know, hearts can get a bit cluttered with time. What about you, Bean? Any significant other causing trouble in your realm?

Bean: (rolling her eyes) Well, there was a guy who once serenaded me with a lute made out of his own hair. Romantic, huh?

Y/n: (chuckles) Definitely a unique approach. But I think I prefer my treasure chests metaphorically empty.

Bean: (grinning) Trust me, there's something to be said for an uncluttered heart. Makes room for more... misadventures.

Luci: (whispering to Elfo) Are they flirting?

Elfo: (whispering back) Hard to tell. Might be their way of exchanging insults.

Y/n: (smirking) So, Bean, if you had a magic carpet right now, where would you fly off to?

Bean: (leaning closer) Maybe a place with fewer demons and more laughter. And, well, a decent ale.

Y/n: (raising an eyebrow) Ah, the essentials of a good escape plan.

Their banter continued, filled with playful jabs and shared laughs, as the chemistry between Bean and Y/n began to spark like a potion in a witch's cauldron.

As the airship sailed through the sky, Y/n and Bean found themselves lost in conversation, their stories intertwining like vines in a misfit garden.

Bean: (leaning against the railing) You know, Y/n, I never thought I'd meet someone else who's as royally messed up as I am.

Y/n: (smirking) Ah, the curse of being the offspring of powerful rulers. It's like a guarantee for a life of chaos.

Bean: (nodding) Tell me about it. I mean, I tried so hard to fit into that royal mold, but it just felt like wearing a shoe two sizes too small.

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