Trick or Treat, Freak (Part 1)

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*Third person POV*

It was a quiet morning, and the morning was filled with the scent of French Toast being cooked by Hopper. Hopper sizzled the pan as he flipped the toast. As he cooked, he could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He turned over his shoulder slightly to see a hooded white figure. The blanket had two cut holes for eyes.

"Oh, Jesus!" The small unexpected figure made him startle, and he went right back to cooking.

"Ghost," Eleven said.

"Yeah, I see that," Hopper murmured. He grabbed the pan to bring it over to the counter.


"Sure is." He set two pieces of toast on the plates and set the pan back on the stove. "But right now, it's breakfast, okay? Come on, lets eat."

"They wouldn't see me." Eleven pouted behind the sheets. That's all she really wanted - to be a normal kid for a night.

"Who wouldn't see you?" Hopper asked, picking up the plates to carry it over to the table.

"The bad men." She replied, and followed Hopper to the table.

"What are you talking about?"

"Trick or treat." she pressed, hoping Hopper would agree for just one night.

"You want to go trick-or-treating?" Hopper asked quietly. Eleven gave a tiny nod. "You know the rules."

"Yes, but-." Eleven started to say, but Hopper stood up.

"Yeah, so you know the answer." He brought her over to the seat.

"No, but they wouldn't see me!"

"No." Hopper said. "Hey. I don't care."

"But they wouldn't see me." She complained.

"I don't care, all right?" Hopper made her face him. "You go out there, ghost or not, its a risk. We don't take risks. All right? They're stupid, and..."

"We're not stupid!" She argued.

"Exactly." Hopper was taken aback by her tone, but he shrugged it off. "Now you take that off, sit down and eat. Your food's getting cold."

Eleven brushed off the tarp and slouched in her seat, quietly. Hopper poured the syrup onto her French toast and Eleven refused to eat.

Hopper sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "All right, look..." he said. "How about I get off early tonight and I buy us a bunch of candy, and we can sit around and get fat, and we watch a scary movie together? How's that for a compromise?"

Eleven just stared at him as he stretched out the big word. "Com-compromise?"

"C-O-M-promise." Hopper sounded it out for her. "Compromise. How about that's your word for the day, yeah? It's something like that's kinda in-between. It's like halfway happy."

"By 5-1-5?" Eleven asked.

"5:15." Hopper nodded. "Yeah, sure."

"Promise?" She whispered.

"Yes, I promise."

"Halfway happy." She managed to say and picked up her utensils. She began to eat, and Hopper ruffled her new hair style. She smirked at him and they enjoyed breakfast together.


Will's mom had walked down the hallway to wake Will up in the morning before school. "Will?" She called out to him. "Come on, honey, up and at 'em."

When she opened the door to find his room empty, she turned back out to the hallway. "Will?" Jonathan was making breakfast in the kitchen, and he heard her calling his name. "Jonathan?" Jonathan looked over his shoulder, and continued to finish making breakfast. "Jonathan, where's Will?"

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