Dig Dug (part 4)

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*Third person POV*

"Like this?"

Becky held up the cloth that she cut for Eleven for the blindfold.

They met Terry in the room, where the T.V was still playing the static. "It's okay if I sit here, right?"

"Yes." Eleven said, and put on the blindfold.

"A-And I won't mess it up or anything?"


"Okay. If you talk to Terry, will you tell her that I love her very much?" Becky asked and Eleven tightened the blindfold around her. "And that I'm sorry that I didn't believe--"

Eleven turned slightly to Becky. "Stop talking."

"Okay, sorry." Becky apologized.

"Breathe." Terry whispered. "Sunflower. Rainbow. Three to the right. Four to the left. Four-fifty. Breathe."

Eleven opened her eyes to the void, and found Terry rocking her chair back. "Breathe. Sunflower. Rainbow. Three to the right. Four to the left. Four-fifty. Breathe."

"Mama?" Eleven called out to her. She stepped in the pool of water and walked towards her carefully.

"Sunflower. Rainbow."

"Mama, it's me..." She said, softly.

"Three to the right. Four to the left."

"Jane." Eleven said.

"Four-fifty." Terry repeated. "Breathe. Sunflower."

Eleven walked closer to Terry. "I'm here now."

"Four-fifty. Breathe. Sunflower. Rainbow."

"I'm home." Eleven said.


Terry looked at her right in the eyes, and grabbed her wrist.

Something had pulled Eleven forward, and she opened her eyes to find herself standing alone in the dark void. "Mama!" She echoed. She felt a presence behind her, and she turned to see a woman running and sobbing.

The woman groaned in pain, her dress was soaked in blood. She toppled over, and fell to the water. "Mama!" Eleven screamed, running over. "Mama!"

"Oh, my baby!" Terry screamed.

"What do I do?" Eleven asked in a panic. "Mama, what do I do? Help me!"

"Breathe." Becky's voice cut through the memory. "Breathe! Just breathe. Breathe. Just breathe, all right?" Eleven turned to the memory and saw a younger girl named Becky. "They're on their way, okay, you two?"

"Okay." Terry said.

"It looks like you and (Y/n)'s mother are both going into labor." Becky said. Eleven looked over to (Y/n)'s mom who was also experiencing the same pain.

"Stay with us, you two. Stay with us." The doctors ordered.

They had wheeled Terry and (Y/n)'s mother (M/n: Mom's name) together to the hospital wing.

According to the nurses, the two mothers had given birth at the same time. They were friends. Good friends, and they wished for a healthy life together with their children. Unfortunately, they couldn't.

The last thing (Y/n)'s mom saw was Dr. Brenner, revealing his mask. They had taken her and the baby.

"Hey there." Becky said, in the next memory. Terry was in the hospital bed recovering. She sighed and opened her eyes.

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