The Lost Sister (Part 4)

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"Shit." Dottie muttered as they hurried down the apartment stairs.

"Go, go, go!" Axel said.

They hurried to the back side of the apartment where Mick had rolled up, and Dottie had slipped. She fell on her back. "Shit!" She cursed and got back up.

"Come on, get in!" Axel pushed Eleven inside the van.

Mick stepped on the gas pedal, and floored it out of there. "If you wanted to show mercy, that is your choice." Kali scolded Elven. "But don't you ever take away mine. Ever. Do you understand?" She raised her voice again when Eleven didn't reply. "Do you understand?!"

When they headed back to the warehouse, the radio was on, and Axel was looking through Ray's wallet. "I see you, and I raise you ten." Funshine said to Dottie as they played a card game. "How ya like that?"

Dottie placed in a dollar, and so did Funshine.

"That was a mistake right there, girl. A mistake."

"I think you're full of shit." Dottie replied, rolling her eyes.

Kali walked toward the drum of fire, and tossed something in to keep the fire going. She looked up to Eleven's room where she was held.

She sighed to herself, knowing she had to go up there to talk to her. She walked up the stairs and knocked on Eleven's door. Eleven was facing her bed in a chair with her arms crossed.

"May I sit?" Kali asked.

Eleven nodded once and Kali sat in front of her.

"I was once just like you, you know that?" She asked. "But that's why I'm hard on you, because I see you in my past mistakes."

Eleven shook her head. "They were kids."

"Does that excuse that man's sins? Were we not also children?" Eleven looked away from Kali. "I remember the day I came to the rainbow room and you and (Y/n) were gone. So, when my gifts were strong enough, I used them to escape. And I ran. I ran away as far as I could. And it was there, far away, that I found a place to hide. A family. A home. Just like you and your policeman. But they couldn't help me. So, eventually, I lost them, too. So, I decided to play the part. To stop hiding. To use my gifts against those who hurt us. You're now faced with the same choice, Jane. Go back into hiding and hope they don't find you. Fight, and face them again."

"Face who?"

"The man who calls himself our father." Kali said.

"Papa is dead. (Y/n) and I know he's dead."

"That man tonight disagreed." a chilling voice said, that made the hair on the back of Eleven's neck stand up.

"You're not real." Eleven wheeled around and stood up.

"All this time? And you haven't looked for me? Why? And why isn't the missing experiment number 006 with you? Because you both thought I was dead? Or because you were afraid of what you might find?"

Eleven had a rough time figuring out if this was truly Papa. The man with a tux, and white hair slicked back, had a similar figure.

"Go away." Eleven said.

"You have to confront your pain." Dr. Brenner said. "You have a wound, Eleven, a terrible wound."

Eleven backed away from him.

"And it's festering. Do you remember what that means?" He asked as he walked towards her. "Festering? It means a rot. And it will grow. Spread."

Eleven sniffed, and scrunched her face, twisting it into anger. She shook her head. "Get out of my head." She growled.

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