New Book?|| important :)

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Hello anyone and everyone who has and is still reading this book

I started this book over two years ago and am still having comments and votes being left on it! I can't believe this book has had so much attention over the years but I love and appreciate it! 

Despite this, I reread many of the oneshots and personally find them very poorly written (I've matured and also improved my writing skills over the years) and the plots are often awkward etc

Sooooo as a solution to me not being happy with the writing and people still soaking in the good old Clato content, I'm considering making a new book

I will write new one shots and rewrite some of the ones I really liked from this book, but maybe alter bits and pieces

Tell me what you think about this idea and if it's worth doing

I love and appreciate you all so much!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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