Merry Christmas!

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Clove~ age 12     Cato~ age 13

Cloves PoV

I sit in the kitchen stirring a huge pot of stew, courtesy of my mom.

Christmas in District 2 is cold, like...very cold. Therefore stew, is the ultimate seasonal treat. Plus, it's a good food to make for multiple families.


"Yeah mum?"

"Are the Hadleys here yet?"

"You would've heard them!"

"Fair enough. Is the table set?"

"Yeah mum."

Knock Knock Knock

I drop the ladle and race to the door, swinging it open.

Standing in the doorway are five blonds.

"Hi! Come in!"

"Hi Clove" Mrs Hadley says smiling.

"Good to see you Clove," Mr Hadley adds.

"Same!" I reply grinning.

The two girls come up to me, the younger one grasping my legs, older one taking my shoulders.

"Hey Cassy! Sandra!"

They let go both smiling and Sandra smirks at me.

"Alright now that you're done with us you can see him," she says gesturing behind her.

I turn and see a tall, blond boy.


He wraps his arms around me and I bury my face into his chest, taking a deep breath.

"You smell like pine," I whisper.


I laugh as seven year old Cassy plugs her nose staring at Cato and I.

"Shut up Cassy!" Cato snaps glaring at her.

"It's fine," I tell Cato.

"Aaahhh, young love, adorable!" Sandra sighs, earning another glare from Cato.

"Welcome welcome! Great to see you all!" My mom says bursting into the kitchen, my dad trailing close behind.

She goes and hugs Mrs Hadley, while my dad gives Mr Hadley a friendly pat on the back.

"Come on and sit over in the living room," My mom says pushing us all forward.

We all scatter onto different chairs and couches, and I slump down next to Cato, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Aren't you two the cutest?!" Mrs Hadley exclaims.

"Mom!" Cato snaps.

Mrs Hadley smiles.

"Sorry, sorry!"

The parents begin to talk and I turn to Cato.

"So, what's up?"

"Eh, not much. Cassy has been a brat but that's normal."

"I can hear you," Cassy hisses at us.

"I know," Cato replies smirking. "How about you guys?"

"Well...Nate has been working a lot more...longer shifts etc...he's actually at work right now. Couldn't even get a Christmas break."

"Nate isn't coming?" Sandra asks sounding a bit upset.

"No, no, he's coming, he's just going to be late. "

Sandra nods, sitting back in her seat, looking less agitated.

"Oooooh! Were you worried about your boyfriend?!" Cassy giggles.

"No, just...wondering..." Sandra says smiling a bit. 

"Awwww Sandra and Nate!" I smirk.

"Christmas is a good season of love."

"NATE!" I squeal as he walks up behind us.

"One of my buddies finished up my work for me so I could come home early."

"That's so sweet!" Sandra exclaims giving Nate a hug.

We talk a while longer, about work, school, training, the games, until finally my mom stands.

"Alright! Into the kitchen! SUPPER TIME!"

We all cheer and sit down at our seats, while my mom carries over the stew, and buns.

"Well, Merry Christmas everyone! Dig in!"

"Merry Christmas Clover," Cato says smiling at me.

"Merry Christmas Blondie!"

A/N sorry that was really boring....I tried... @ac110807  thanks for the idea, sorry it wasn't executed very well....

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