Victory hurts

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Thank you for the idea :D

Cloves PoV

"CLOVE! HURRY! HURRY!" I run faster after Cato towards the tall silver cornucopia. 

I hear the angry snarls and barks of muttations behind me, and it encourages me to go faster.

"Clove! Give me your hand!" 

I reach up and Cato pulls me on top of the Cornucopia with him.

Exhausted, I fall onto his chest panting.

"We m-made it! It's ok!" he huffs

That's when I see them.

Lover boy, and fire girl, racing towards us, fire girl quickly attempting to shoot the mutts that are closest to them, but missing most.

I look at Cato and he nods pulling out his sword.

"Ready to go home baby?" he whispers with a tiny grin.

We stand waiting as Peeta and Katniss crawl up the side of the silver metal.

"Ka-Katniss! AUGH!"

Peeta desperately clutches to the side of the cornucopia, as a Mutt jumps up at him, ripping part of his pant leg open.

Katniss pulls him up and I scoff.


They both turn and pale at the sight of Cato and I.

"Welcome!" I say with a smirk.

We stand staring at each other for a moment, then suddenly Cato dives at Peeta, pinning him down.

Katniss instantly reacts by grabbing her bow, about to shoot at me, but I know what she is up to, and easily dodge to the left, then jump on top of her.

I hear Cato and Peeta rolling around, attempting to pin the other, but that isn't important to me right now.

"Here we are again," I hiss into Katniss' ear. "Unfortunate end."

"Pl-please!" She begs to me.

"Please what," I say raising the knife in my hand.

"Please! Please make it quick! Pr-prim..."

I lower the knife slightly.

"The little girl..."

"Yes! Please for Prim! A-and Peeta!"

I glance at the blond boy still tussling with Cato and look back down at Katniss.

"Give me a break. You don't even love him."

"Of course I do!"

"Liar," I snap into her ear. "The way you look at him. It isn't love!"

"How would you know?!"

No Clove. Don't look weak and talk about Cato...

"Because I am smarter than I look. As for the little girl...she should cover her eyes."

"NO! Please! She can't see this!"

"Didn't you hear what I said? She can cover her eyes!"

"B-But....Peeta! And I NEED to go home to Prim!"

"You don't think I want to go home?! OF COURSE I DO! That is why Cato and I are going to WIN! We, are going to be the victors, and WE will be going home together!"

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