Mission: Impossible with a blonde idiot

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@Kiko_and_Clato Thanks for the thousands of suggestions :)

Cloves PoV

I glance in the mirror, trying to pin back the gaping hole in my black top.

"C'mon princess! You don't need to look good for a freaking break in!"

I glare at my partner. A stupid, large blonde brute of a boy.

Cato Hadley.

Dumbass extraordinaire.

"I'm not trying to look pretty! I'm trying to ensure my freaking top doesn't fall off!"

He rolls his eyes.

"That's really not a big deal."

"It is to me. I would prefer you don't look at my breast!" I snap shoving past him.

He raises an eyebrow at me, opening his mouth to say something but I interrupt.

"If it's something perverted, I'm gonna stab you."

He shuts his mouth again and I nod.

"Good. Now get over here."

He follows after me to the tall brick building. I pull out my phone.

"Says the code here....77921-11808-3214. Punch it in."

"To what?"

"The freaking door lock!"

"Can you repeat that...slower?"

"How are you so stupid?!"

"Don't be mean. Repeat."


"Faster than that!"

"77921.....11808....3214. If you didn't get that I will hurt you."

The door beeps and he smirks at me.

"There you go princess."

"Stop calling me that."

He raises his hands in surrender as I march into the dark building.

"Be quiet or I'll stab you"

I scamper across the tile floor and pull up beside a large computer looking thing. But it's not just a computer. It's a vault holding the earnings of one of the most wealthy men in all of Panem. Coriolanus Snow.

I brush off the keyboard and instantly begin to type. The screen illuminates, as I punch in number after number, Cato uselessly watching me work. I don't even know why they send him with me. I would get a lot more done with him out of my hair.

I finish the code, and smirk.

"That was easy! The most secure bank account really? I mea-"

I freeze suddenly as a loud piercing alarm begins to sound. Lights begin to flash and I curse under my breath, grabbing Catos hand and dragging him down the hall.

"Where are we going?!" he hisses.

I frantically search the hall, then see it.

"Janitors closet! Now!"

"There's a janitors closet in a bank?"

"Apparently! Now in!"

I shove his back as he stumbles into the tiny dark space, me close behind. I click the door shut and step back into the darkness, bumping into something.

I spin around in surprise, and find Cato right up against me.

"It's tiny in here!" he whispers.

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