Maybe I Was Trying To Make You Jealous...

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Cloves PoV

-The arena-

"I saw you kissing know...the bees...And Marvel dying etc..." I whisper quietly, glancing up from the fire to meet Catos eyes.

"So? You said you don't like me like that...actually, I remember you telling me you hated my guts."

I grimace at the memory of Cato and I, yelling and screaming at each other, literally the night before the arena. I remember telling Cato I hated him...and wanted him dead.


No. It was all lies.

"I didn't mean it. I don't hate you."

"Well either way, you don't like me like it doesn't matter."

I bite my lip, looking back down at the dancing flames of the fire.

"Maybe I lied..."


"Maybe," he suddenly begins, "Maybe I was trying to make you jealous."

I look up again, as his crystal blue eyes meet mine.

"I still love you Clove. I never stopped."

I feel a tiny grin pull at the corner of my lips.

"And I never stopped loving you."

My words come out raspy yet gentle, as Cato continues to stare at me.

Suddenly I'm knocked backwards onto the ground, and Cato smashes his lips into mine, grasping my body tightly. 

He pulls away slightly, and I stare up at his perfect face, hovering above mine.

"I love you Clove."

Then his lips are back on mine, and it seems that I have suddenly been transported to heaven, and an angel decided to swoop down and make out with me.

And I now know, that I never hated him. Even when he pretended to like Glimmer. I never hated him, because I never could hate him. He's too perfect. He's too good for me, yet he wants me. And I want him.

But we can't have each other.


Because we were both too selfish. We both volunteered, so we could be the one to bring glory to our District. Pride to our people.

And now?

We're stuck together. Knowing full well, that only one of us, is going to come out of this damned death trap.

Yet I still focus my mind, on the wonderful boy in front of me, fantasizing about the future we could have had.

The future that will never happen.

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