Love of my life

762 18 4

Cloves PoV

I stare in the mirror and shake my head.

The bump is getting more visible and Cato still doesn't know.

It's starting to show through my shirt.

I gently lift my tank top, and press my hand to my stomach.


My eyes widen and I rip my shirt back down over my body.

"Ah...hey Cato..what's up?"

"Sorry, were you changing?"

"Um. Yeah..."

He nods, sitting down on my bed and I sit beside him.

"What's up Clover? You seem...odd..."

"No I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"Yeah I-"

I suddenly gasp, standing up and racing towards the bathroom, keeling over at the toilet.

Cato comes behind me, and pulls my hair back as I puke my guts out.

I finish and Cato helps me up.

He hands me a cup of water and I swish out my mouth.

"You could've told me you feel sick."

"No I'm fine."

"Clove you just threw up!"

"Yeah yeah. It's ok. I just need to lay down..."

I flop onto the bed, and Cato comes beside me again, pulling me up into his arms.

He gently places his hand on my stomach and I tense.

"I ah-Cato please stop," I say pushing him away.

"Clove. What. Is. Wrong?!"


"You're lying!"

I suddenly feel tears prick at the corner of my eyes, and I turn around so Cato won't see.

He grabs my wrist, pulling me towards him.

"Stop! Stop!"

"What the hell is wrong?!"


I break down into sobs and Cato sighs, pulling me up onto his lap, clutching me to his chest.

I sit there bawling as he wraps his arms around my waist, his hands tracing up my body, when he suddenly pauses.




He hesitates, shaking his head.

He opens then shuts his mouth.

"Clove. You're hiding something from me."

"No I am not!"

He gives me a doubtful look, and suddenly taps my stomach.

"People don't gain that much weight that quick. Especially someone who goes running every morning like you, which,  I noticed you haven't done in ages. just threw up. Oh yeah...and you've been avoiding me for about the last month, and been sorta moody."

I begin to cry again and Cato sighs.

"Clove. You're pregnant aren't you."

I nod my head and sink down to my knees, letting the tears stream down my cheeks.

"I-I'm Sorry!"

Cato drops down beside me, shaking his head.

"This is anything but your fault Clove. It's ok! I would never be mad at you! Never ! I love you more than  anything!"

He grabs me again, pulling me onto the bed, and laying me down on top of him.

We lay there in somewhat silence, apart from my occasional sobs, for at least twenty minutes, when Cato finally speaks up.

"I'm sorry I did this to you Clove," He says, barely even whispering the words. "I'm sorry."

"No. No. I-It's ok. I-....I...I don't know what I'm going to do..."

"Well I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to take care of you, and our baby. And I'm going to continue loving you with all my heart. Forever. Because you are the most beautiful, amazing, funny, sassy, spunky, downright incredible girl I have ever met, and ever will meet!"

I sniffle, burying my head deeper into his chest and taking a deep breath.

"What do I say when people ask me at school? About t-the bump...Because it's only going to get bigger..."

Cato frowns, thinking a moment.

"Well...If you want to tell them, tell them. If not, just walk away. Or maybe tell them to screw off. It's up to you. Either way I'll always be by your side."

I nod slightly.

"But...I still love you more than anything," he coos into my ear. "I love you...and my baby," he says patting my bump. 

"I love you  Cato."

"I love you more."

"Cato...what am I going to do?! I'm only in high school!"

Cato pulls away from me, staring into my eyes.

"Clove Isabelle Kentwell," he takes a deep breath, "Will you marry me?"

My eyes widen.


"Not soon  or anything...when we're done school. Take this as a promise. A promise that I will forever be yours...if you want me to."

"Of course! Of course Cato!"

I grasp him in a hug, and he pulls my face towards his, pressing his lips to mine. He holds me there, against his mouth, while his hands gently rub my back.

"You know...I've always wanted to be dad..."

A small smile crawls up my face.

 "And I'm glad I'm going to the dad of your child. Because you are the love of my life. And nothing will ever make me stop loving you."

Damn he is the sweetest.

"You're the best thing I could ever ask for. The best and more."

A/N I kinda ran out of ideas and I just wanted to make some cute tlc Clato.....

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