Babysitting is not easy. (pt.1)

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A/N inspired by an....interesting conversation....

This isn't really Clato...but it is about their kids :)

(btw We pretend Finnick Johanna and Marvel are all the same age)

"Ok so...Lia's baby food is just in the cupboard, and she should be put down to bed at 7:30 ish...Miko is pretty good on his own but he will need a lot of coaxing to get into bed at 8:00. We'll be back" 

Clove glanced up at Cato, who shrugged slightly.

"One am at the latest," Clove finished.

"That's sooo late!" Jo moaned.

"Oh be quiet," Cato snapped, grasping his wife's hand, and pulling her towards the doorway. "Just...I don't know. Don't kill our kids."

"Yes sir!" Marvel shouted with a goofy grin.

"And don't be so dramatic or loud!" Clove reprimanded. "Unless you want a crying Lia, and an equally loud Miko, BEHAVE!"

"Yeah yeah," Finnick muttered, rolling his eyes, "Don't panic! They'll be fiiiine!"

"Cato...Maybe we shouldn't go out tonigh-"

"Clove," Cato whispered, grasping the brunettes hands, "They are going to be ok!"

" know how Miko gets upset when we leave..."

"He'll be ok. Let's go or we'll be late."

Clove frowned, but followed her beloved husband out the door.


Clove whipped around, as her small blonde son raced towards her.

"MOM! DON'T LEAVE!" The small five year old wailed, green eyes shining with fresh tears.

A perfect combination of his mother and father.

Clove gave him a tight hug, planting a kiss on his forehead.

"We won't be gone long. I love you! Be good alright Miko?" She cooed, wiping the boys tears from his face. "Mommy and Daddy need a night, just the two of us ok?"


Clove smiled, placing Miko back on the ground.

"I love you! Byeee!"

The door slammed shut and Johanna glanced down at the small brunette child in her arms. Same hair as her mom, but you could already see the icy blue of her dads eyes showing in her own.

Lia Hadley had only recently turned a year old, and Johanna, Marvel and Finnick were not exactly confident in their babysitting skills...but it was best to try with the children of two of their closest friends, as opposed to a stranger.

Lia stared up at Johannas scowling face, and as most children would do, began to cry.

"Damn it! What did you do Jo!?" Marvel exclaimed racing to her side.

"I didn't do anything!"

"Then why is she crying?!"

"You tell me!"

Finnick rolled his eyes, walking towards the pair, and plucking Lia from Johannas hands.

"She needs food stupid."

"Ah...what do we feed her?"

"I dunno! Clove said there was stuff in the cupboard..." Marvel replied, walking towards the kitchen. "Um...there's some animal crackers...but I think those are for Miko...Oh! Oh! Here! Carrot mush!"

Johanna scrunched her nose at the thought of baby food.


"Alright! Alright! Marvel get me the food to make the kid shut up!" Finnick snapped, rocking Lia back and forth, attempting to shush her wailing.

Marvel obeyed, and grabbed the small glass container, and a plastic spoon.

"Hey you!" he snapped staring at the infant. "Shush! Have some carrots!" 

He opened the container of food, and raised a spoonful to Lias tiny mouth.

The girl accepted the bite and instantly hushed.

Food was always the best cure.

"Yes! She's quie-"


Johannas eyes widened as she raced to the bedroom, where the scream came from.

The room happened to belong to Clove and Cato, and on the ground, lying in a pool of blood was a small blonde boy.


The boy whimpered as Johanna quickly scooped him up in her arms.

"What happened?!"

Miko didn't answer, but instead continued to whimper.

Johanna inspected his body, finding a large bloody gash on his right palm.

She looked over the room and shook her head.

One of Cloves precious, eight inch, double sided throwing knives, was laying on the ground where she had picked up Miko.

"Miko! You didn't touch Clo- Mommys knives did you?!"

"I-I just wanted t-to b-be st-strong her and daddy!

Johanna sighed, not exactly sure how to deal with a case of injured five year old.

The door of the room suddenly burst open, and Finnick and Marvel gasped.


"Tried to play with one of Cloves knives," Johanna responded.

"Of course. A true Hadley," Marvel huffed, "Fiddling around with sharp objects!"

Miko let out a pained wail and Finnick cringed.

"We need to help him...where are the band aids?"Finnick questioned.

"I don't know! Check the bathroom! Wait...Finnick...WHERE'S LIA?!"

Finnick blanched and raced out of the room, back to the kitchen.

Lia was wailing, lying on the marble counter, an inch away from the edge.

Finnick quickly scooped her up, as she continued to scream.

"Damn! You're almost as whiny as your dad!"



Marvel huffed and scampered to the washroom, digging around, until he found the first aid kit.

"Ok, Ok I got it!" He shouted, beginning to wrap Mikos hand.

The little boy had stopped crying by now, acting surprisingly brave.

Maybe he did have some of the guts of his parents...

"Ok're alright now?" Johanna asked.

"Not reall-"

"Great! Off to bed now!"

A/N I didn't have time to finish this one so I am making it a two parter :D

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