Chapter : 2 || Bizarre idea

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Y/n's eyes flew open in the dark when she heard her sister groan in pain. She sat up, her senses on high alert. "Bora, what's wrong?"

"I am... I think I'm in labor."

Y/n rushed to her sister. "Oh my God, is the baby coming?"

Bora let out a growl. "Don't sound so excited. It's not a good thing if the baby comes now."

"Oh no... let's go to the hospital." Y/n reached for her phone and purse and wrapped her arm around her sister. "Can you walk?"

"To the car, yes. Not to the hospital." Her sister managed to joke making y/n smile.

Y/n helped her sister to the car and clicked her seat belt securely.

"Take deep breaths as they said in that class, and we will be there in a few"

"Stop talking and start driving," her sister growled, letting out a scream.

Y/n drove with extreme caution to the nearest hospital and was thankful to find a man in a hospital uniform right outside. She stepped out of the car and asked the man to help. The man called for assistance, and a few minutes later, she followed the hospital staff as they rolled her sister into the emergency room.

"Y/n, call Jimin. I want to talk to him." Her sister was in pain, and y/n knew she was also scared.

"Bora, I will. I promise. Let's have the doctor check you first." Her sister burst into tears. "I'm scared, y/n."

A shiver passed through y/n as she feared the worse, but she managed to speak with a calm voice. "Bora, everything will be okay."

"Call Mom. I want to talk to her." Her sister was under distress.

"I will make sure they are on the next plane here," y/n assured.

"Y/n, don't leave me. Stay with me."

"I'm not going anywhere, Bora," y/n said and held her sister's hand as the doctor checked her.

Y/n's heart pounded with fear, feeling the cold air, but she put on a calm front and squeezed her sister's hand reassuringly.

Two hours later, she waited outside the hospital room Bora was admitted to for the night. She was relieved her sister's pains were false alarms, and the baby was doing fine. Bora's blood pressure was running extremely high, and she was going to be under observation for the next twenty-four hours.

Y/n scrolled through her phone, sitting on a bench in the hallway searching for the first flight out of Seoul for her parents to come back to be with Bora. She cursed under her breath when she saw that the earliest available flight was a day later..

She stared at her screen trying to figure out a creative way to get her parents to fly back that morning and tried hard to ignore the chatter and laughter from the nurses' station. She was annoyed the nurses were having a gala time when a lot of women, like her sister, were in pain.

Browsing through website after website on her phone, she finally found a flight that would bring her parents back to town by the end of the day. Y/n knew she could take care of her sister, but her parents, especially her mother, would be worried until she was with Bora. If only there were a way for them to arrive sooner.

"Ms. Kang Y/n?" Her thoughts were interrupted by a deep male voice, and she noticed the well-polished dress shoes the man wore before she looked up.

Her eyes kept trailing up, and she had to literally look up to meet the eyes of the man who stood looking down at her.


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