Chapter 29 || Emotions

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More than a month later...

"Remember, no touching when we are in the office," she gasped as he wound his arm around her from behind, his lips sliding over her exposed skin on her shoulder.

"That's not what we agreed to." He turned her around to look at her, his eyes boring into hers, a smile playing on his lips. "I am going to miss you."

She smiled at him. "You are going only for a few days, and your schedule is so busy, there's no point in me going with you."

"You make time on my calendar." He ran his lips on her cheek, making her hot all over.

"Tae-hyung, we talked about it. Bora needs me for the baby ceremony. Don't be late to the event on Saturday. Bring everyone."

He smiled. "I will be there. It's my only excuse to see you over the weekend."

She gasped when he rubbed his hardened shaft into her belly and said, "I want you before I leave."

"You already got your sendoff gift, and we are not going to do anything in the office," she managed to say in a stern tone.

He chuckled. "Who said anything about doing something in the office?"

She stepped back shaking her head. "Whatever wild idea you have, not happening. Your meeting starts in less than thirty minutes."

"Bring it on." He laughed, walking out of the closet space that was part of his office.

"You need a camera for your office, too. Not just the floor. I will set it up."

"Do it after I am on the plane. I don't want to be caught on camera doing... you know?" He chuckled.

Y/N blushed at the thought of being with him again before he leaves, and she knew it would be hard for her not to see him until Saturday.

Tae-hyung was scheduled to fly out late afternoon, and he had a packed schedule. She wasn't sure if she would be able to kiss him before he left.

Meeting after meeting, they managed to exchange heated stares as people presented and spoke to him.

At one point, she considered going home and packing a bag and leaving with him, but she knew it wasn't so simple. She wanted to be with him and also be there for her sister's baby-naming ceremony, the traditional one.

When it came time for Tae-hyung to leave, Soobin came to Tae-hyung's office to take his laptop bag, but Tae-hyung was still in a meeting with a vendor. She knew the meeting was intense based on the look on Tae-hyung's face, and just when she was about to open the door and interrupt the meeting to remind him of his flight time, he held his finger indicating he needed more time.

She looked at the time and knew there was no way for him to depart on time if he didn't leave in the next five minutes. She waited for a few more minutes and finally pushed open the glass door to interrupt the meeting.

"Sorry to interrupt. Mr. Kim, you need to leave now." She looked at him, and he nodded.

"We are not done talking. Get out," one of the older men shouted at Y/N, making her jump at the unexpected tone.

"Mr. Lee, I don't appreciate you talking to Y/N that way." Tae-hyung glared at the man as he stood up.

"Mr. Kim, you let a woman dictate what you should be doing?"

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