Chapter 32 || Truth

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Note : please go and check new Book "REVENGE" 🙃

Note : please go and check new Book "REVENGE" 🙃

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Several days passed with Hyun still in a coma, and the days started to blend for Tae-hyung. On the third day since the accident, the doctors confirmed that Hyun was out of danger, but they could not confirm what kind of long-term injuries he might have sustained from the accident.

Tae-hyung's biggest fear was that his brother would wake up and not remember anyone, not even Jiwoo. He sat in his office staring at the empty cubicle where Y/N used to sit, and something twisted in his chest. He looked away to look up at the ceiling when the tightness in his chest started to grow and turn into a dull ache.

The past few nights, he had barely gotten any sleep and knew it was going to be harder than he had expected to move on without her being a part of his life. But he had to, he could not risk having her be a part of his life if her presence was going to trigger the self-harm behavior in the future from his brother.

As his eyes absent mindedly scanned the ceiling, his gaze stopped on the blinking light of the closed-circuit camera on one corner. It was the camera Y/N said she was going to have installed the day he was leaving for his trip.

Not knowing exactly for what reason he wanted to see the footage, he picked up the phone and called security and asked them to send him a copy of the footage from the day Hyun was in the office to talk to Y/N and the day of the accident.

Tae-hyung waited for the security team to send him the video as he thought about her. Flashes of her disappointment when he told her she was fired and then later that day when he told her they had to move on, it made him feel suffocated.

He looked up again at the ceiling wondering what had really happened that made Hyun want to kill himself. His eyes rolled shut as her beautiful, yet sad face flashed in front of his eyes, and he took in a deep breath to minimize the pain he was feeling, but it was not helping.

Minutes passed, and the ding from his laptop indicated a new email, which made him look at his screen. He took a long, deep breath before opening the attachment in the email and looked at the image. The first screen is where he could see Y/N on the phone at her desk, through the glass wall in his office.

The video continued with no major activity, and he slowly ran his fingers on the image of the woman on his screen. "I miss you, baby... but..."
His words trailed off when he saw Y/N jerk and stand up from her chair. He could not see who she was talking to, but based on the time on the video, he knew Hyun was in the building.

Moments passed, and Tae-hyung took a deep breath when he saw the door to his office open, and Y/N and Hyun step inside.

Tae-hyung wished there was a voice recording to the video as he leaned closer to make some sense of the conversation, but as they interacted, he could see that his brother and Y/N were having a normal conversation when he had expected a showdown based on the voice message and text messages he had received from his brother as soon as he landed.

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