Chapter : 3 || Early morning

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"Y/n, wake up. The car is on the way to pick you up." Bora's voice was loud through her phone speaker.

"What?" Y/n sat up in bed and saw the time was ten minutes till six in the morning. "Bora, you are supposed to be sleeping and getting rest."

"I will be able to relax once you go to work."

"Okay. I will be ready to go in ten minutes." Y/n ended the call and looked up at the ceiling. "I cannot believe I signed up for this."

Ten minutes later, she scrambled out of the house, hugging her father who looked at her like she made him proud. She only wished she had gotten that look when she graduated or when she was promoted twice within three years in her job.

"Bye, Dad." She put her arms around him, and he pulled her into a warm hug.

"I am so happy you are doing this for Bora," her father said, smiling at her.

"I wish I had seen you this happy when I graduated from Columbia University with honors," she mocked.

"I was proud when you graduated, y/n, but this is different. I am happy." Her father's voice was soft.

"How is that different?" she asked, slipping on her sandals. Her father walked close to her and placed his palm on her shoulder.

"This is different because you are doing what you don't want to do for the sake of your sister. Your mother and I can be at peace that you girls will take care of each other."

"Dad, you are so silly. I am just doing this for two weeks." She laughed, walking to the waiting car.

Y/n placed her sister's laptop bag and her purse on the seat and called her sister. "Bora, I am in the car on my way to the office. I need you to relax now."

"Good, and you are not really going to the office yet. You will..."

Y/n interjected. "I am on my way, and I want you to get off the phone and relax. You call me one more time, and I am walking away from this. I don't care what your boss says. But I will call you if I have any questions." She ended the call before Bora could say anything else. She spent the rest of the way looking through the list of things to do that Bora had given her the previous night. She scrunched her nose and shook her head when she saw the note about firing someone.

"We are almost there, madam," the man behind the wheel announced.

Y/n looked around and noticed they were nowhere close to the office location. "Where are we? Isn't the office downtown?"

"Sir is at the outdoor stadium today."

[Doing what at this hour?]

Y/n nodded and chose not to voice the questions that popped into her head when the car came to a stop outside one of the practice stadiums. She followed the man indoors and past swimming pools and squash courts, and then they stepped into the track and field auditorium.

"He will be done in a few minutes." The man placed a container of what looked like a protein shake on a side table and gestured her to sit on one of the chairs.

"Where is Mr. Kim?" she asked, looking around.

"On the track." The man pointed to a tall, shirtless figure wearing bright-colored shorts and running along the track. She felt angry at the fact she had to scramble out of bed and get dressed, and this man was still doing his workout routine. She huffed out her frustration and looked at the list Bora had given her. The first item on the list was the morning brief, but if the man was still running, she didn't know when the schedule on the list would begin.

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