Chapter 15 || Video-call

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On Monday morning, Y/n woke up with a newfound excitement to go to work. She was ready to go five minutes before the car arrived to take her to wherever Tae-hyung was working out that morning. She was also excited about being part of the big, challenging project since the merger was almost confirmed and waiting for final signatures. She was surprised when the car pulled into the driveway of Tae-hyung's home instead of the gym where he normally worked out.

"Is Mr. Kim still at home?" she asked as the man who drove her to the house held the door open for her.


"Is he up?" She gathered her laptop bag and phone and walked behind the man.

"Yes, he was in the living room when I left." The man held the door open for her.

"Thank you, Soobin."

"You are welcome, ma'am. Would you like coffee or tea?"

"I would like some tea, Soobin. Thank you." She walked toward the living area instead of the office where they met every morning. He would not talk in the car on their way from his outdoor workouts. He had his headphones on and usually listened to audiobooks.

"Good morning, Mr. Kim." She walked around the couch where he sat to face him and added, "Is everything okay?" He looked up from his phone and gestured her to sit. She sat in the chair next to the sofa, placing her laptop on the coffee table. "Yes, I decided to take the day off today."

She looked at him like he didn't know what he was talking about.

"Oh... but you don't take a day off, I mean... unplanned."

"Since I am the boss, I decided and figured I didn't need to ask anyone," he said, laughing and added, "Something came up, and I need to take care of it. Let my direct reports know I won't be able to make it to the meetings today."

Y/n pulled up his calendar and started looking at his meetings and shook her head. "A lot of meetings to reschedule."

"Let's reschedule them," he said, standing up before sitting down on the carpeted floor next to her to look at her laptop screen.

She felt a sudden surge of energy ripple through her in response to his proximity, feeling his heat on the skin of her exposed legs below the hem of her skirt she was wearing. She looked at the back of his head where his hair was messy from sleep and had a tough time averting her eyes back to her laptop screen.

After a torturous ten minutes, she was glad to be interrupted by

Soobin's wife bringing them their morning drinks. She was even more relieved when he got off the floor and sat on the sofa a few feet away from her.

She thanked the woman who brought her a steaming mug of tea. She could feel her fingers tremble as she took a sip of her tea. She kept her eyes downcast, unable to meet his, especially when she knew he was looking at her.

"Y/n, do you agree?" His words shook her out of her daze. She looked up, nodding her head, no clue what he had asked her. She was lost in her thoughts, and that made her want to kick herself.

"Yes, that works. Just so I am clear, can we revisit everything we talked about this morning?"


They spent the next ten minutes reviewing the plan for the day, and she was glad he repeated what he had mentioned at the very end. She looked at him before getting up to leave. "Everything okay?"

He nodded. "I guess. I'll know more soon."

"Let me know if I need to take care of anything." She turned away from him and just then heard his phone ring. She kept walking and smiled to herself when she heard him say his niece's name. It was adorable that a man like Tae-hyung had such a soft side to him. She never in a million years expected him to be that soft-natured with the child. She was almost at the door when she heard him call out to her.

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