His favourite stranger things character

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Idk why this idea came but it did
- definitely max
- laughs when she makes fun of people
- likes that she's mostly better than the boys
- also says her style is the best

- nothing else to say
- I think it's self explanatory

- he really likes Joyce
- thinks she's the most sensible and logical in the whole thing
-"she's j-just s-such a good m-mother" ugly sobs

- 1000000% hopper
- loves the character depth and development
- thinks he's manly
- repeats some of his cool lines
- he has big love for Dustin too tho
- every time Dustin comes on screen he kinda just 😤👏

- obviously Steve
- wants his hair
- and his personality
- and loves his character development
- practices the bat trick he does

- I think it would be Johnathon
- he though he was for sure a creep at the start
- then liked how his story depth goes
- relates a lot on certain things

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