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- gets soo mad because he keeps falling he's like a chicken tryna fly
- at first refuses your help then clings to you
- doesn't wear any like pads because he thought they were for the weak but now is covered in bruises
- nearly blew everything up
- you were tryna show him how to do it but he just got grumpy
- then you finally convinced him to try again and you guys ended up having a lot of fun.

- he was very light footed on them surprisingly
- he did cling to the side for the start but he gradually got better
- he prefers roller blades ( I mean I personally WAYY prefer ice skates)
- he wears wrist pads because well he's got brittle bones and no one wants to break their wrist

- he's pretty much a master because sometimes if he can't ice skate he comes to roller skate instead for practice
- tried you teach you all these like really hard moves when you could hardly move properly
- he does that thing where he skates backwards holding your hands while you skate forwards

- just pushes himself off the side to the other side and says he can do it.
- he does that like bent knees butt out hands out stance to make sure he doesn't fall
- has one off those dorky helmets on
- asks for a sticker from the instructor after that was given out to the kids

- you can just constantly hear " WhOa" " aHhH" " oUcH" " I'm doing it I'm doing it (crash) I'm not doing it"
- he kinda just stands there after a while and says " push me"
- he grips onto you like a cat would when they get put in water

- he kinda just like glides across with out struggle
- he's so calm and like good at a lot it's really annoying
- he's one of those people who like skates backwards and all the kids are scared of him until he like teaches them how to skate
- he probably goes in and out of cones for fun

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