What they are like on roller coasters

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- adrenaline junky
- sits there smiling and laughing
- if anyone screams he laughs and points or calls them lame. You then hit him and he apologises
- he never lets you hold on he says that's for the weak
- he's actually helped you be better on rollercoasters and you guys have so much fun on them

- he thinks they're ok
- you have to unclamp his hands at the end
- he double checks how he's strapped in like 7 times
- suffers in silence
-sometimes squeezes your hand
- couple squeaks maybe but he will do anything if you want to

- tries to have a conversation with you while it's happening
- spouts random nonsense while going round the track
- when you go up the steep bit for drops he will say stuff like " forgive me lord for the sins I have committed"
- sings cardi and Doja cat on it it's actually hilarious
- his hair somehow stays the same even with all the wind

- he non stop says movie quotes
- he always ties his shoe laces so tight because he's scared he's gonna loose his shoes
- you will hear a surpressed squeal every now and then
- when they are fast starters and it scares him he hardens
- once or twice his hardening got him stuck in the seat
- though it was worth it because it made you laugh

- you always hear a tiny squeal when it starts cos he's kinda scared
- hold on for dear life
- tries not to scream
- screams random stuff that's hilarious for you all the way round the tack
- jumping when he gets off shouting about how he wants to go again
- he always uses them as an excuse to hold your hand

- does the double check your seatbelt mum thing
- he's a woohooer
- he gets so bored in queues that he just becomes really funny like funnier than normal
- he always buys the picture at the end and makes a funny face when it takes the picture
- he cares more about the picture and trying to find the camera than anything else

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