Nail painting and makeup

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Bakugo -
- let's you paint his
- doesn't paint his normally
- painted yours once but it went terrible he did that really cute thing though where he was like. "Aren't they amazing you've got to keep them forever now"
- let you do his once because he just really wanted your attention and he likes your hands messing with his face. He nearly fell asleep
- he sometimes wears like the odd bit but nothing drastic
- he's done yours once or twice and it wasn't as bad as the nails but a lot of giggling was involved

- let's you paint his. He thinks it's fun and you enjoy it so it's a win win
- he actually just can't do his he's tried but failed over and over but it just gives him an excuse to get more attention off you
- he has tried in numerous occasions but it doesn't really ever work it was just like horrible but very cute
- let's you do it he finds it fun you like his freckles so much that you never use anything full coverage even though it's gonna get wiped off in like 10 minutes
- doesn't wear it he more like doesn't know what would suit him
- he is too scared to try it yet genuinely terrified

- he was confused as to why but let you and afterwards was so mesmerised he just kinda stared like a child watching Disney movies
- he now after you did his paints them I can imagine him with fine ass nails he loves to brag to his dad about how he could never pull them off because his hands are weird. (No one's hands are weird shoto is just salty)
- he is actually amazing at it like a real nail tech
- like the nails he was confused found it nice he likes attention like a cat getting pet he just sat there with a smile
- he doesn't use it he is so beautiful it's painful
- again is weirdly good at doing it on you and he just kinda stares into your soul because he's concentrating

- asked you to do it because he always sees people with them
- he has always painted them since he was in his little emo phase
- he is really neat like when you rip tape of something for a straight line neat
- again he asked you because he thinks it's manly and he also thinks your cool for even being able to do it
- he doesn't really use it sometimes eyeliner I feel like he'd rock a subtle smoky eye though if you get what I mean
- finds it fun

- he really wanted you to do it but got to scared to ask and when you finally did it you realised how much he enjoyed it and you do it a lot.
- he paints them black from time to time more often than not but not all the time
- he is kinda wobbly but cute he apologises so much when he messes up as well
- he was more hesitant to this but he likes the attention he uses it as an excuse for you to sit on his lap " but your not close enough" evil giggle
-he uses eyeliner a lot and other stuff sometimes like I'm sorry no one could ever think he wouldn't suit eyeliner I feel as if he was born to wear it
- he's not terrible as in he knows what to do just not very well. Sometimes needs a bit of guidance

- again he saw you doing it got curious and you did it for him. He was weirded out by the smell at first but got over it.
-he comes to you sometimes and just asks
-he says he's learning from you so your his like mannequin hand to practice on apparently
Make up
- you asked him because you said he has a really nice face (he was conned by complements into doing it)
- he maybe on an occasion because idk who doesn't like feeling cool in makeup
-he watches you do it a lot so he knows what everything is for but he has less of an idea how to do it

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