What they are like at the gym

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A/N: this one is my sister trying so don't blame the bad writing on me

Mostly just arm based workouts e.g. bicep/tricep but he does do some time on core so that he can keep a v-shape figure for aerodynamic reasons.
When you go with him he acts like it doesn't really affect his routine but he spends most of the time spotting you as he's worried you'll hurt yourself even though you have full confidence

Of course full body focuses on power and strength for building control of his quirk and stuff. Works on flexibility to maintain agility while fighting.
When you two go together he likes to go on the treadmill so you guys can talk and work out at the same time.

Doesn't like going to the gym so had his own one built into his house. Really an all rounder not to tough on certain parts as his body just requires him to be healthy and built for him to handle the quirk.
When you come over he usually doesn't work out so that he can spend time with you but on the odd occasion that he does he will ask you to spot/help him as he enjoys the attention from you.

We all saw that punching bag in the dorm room episodes. And to be honest his hero costume doesn't leave much to the imagination upper body wise so we know he's a lot like bakugo with the fact he works his upper body a lot. But he doesn't skip leg day like boom boom boy.
When you guys go together he would let you do whatever you needed to but still stay in your area so that if you needed him he'd be there right away to help. Every now and again he'll come over to you and ask you to do a cool and "manly" tik tok gym trend with him (you know like those ones where you both get up and down while doing press-ups).

I feel like he doesn't really go to the gym so much as home weights, going on runs , doing cardio and training his own quirk. I feel like gyms intimidate him and there's nothing that he does there that he can't do at home.
You guys go on runs together. One air pod each you love to listen to the same music and sing together. Sometimes you will do cardio together too it's funny to watch him struggle doing squats.

In stead of going to the gym he prefers to either just use school facilities or mostly just rock climb and boulder. He goes for runs too and he has one of those things you put on you door way so you can do pull ups. He sometimes even does it with his tape so he's also training his quirk.
You don't really work out together as you go to the gym but sometimes you ask to try his door way thing and it's the funniest thing ever. He might help you do a few. You guys mostly just work out alone though

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