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||I have two brats, (on) the left, and the right PART III||

Jeremy stretched his back outside Lucien's drawing room. He coughed to let the person inside know of his presence before knocking.

"Come in." The tired voice inside gave permission.

As soon as he enter, he saw the lad wiping something from his mouth like nothing's wrong, sitting straight with his now wrinkled clothes- yet his bed hair gave it all away.

He coughed,"It seems like our crown prince is not sleeping well again."

The male yawned in response, not trying to conceal it anymore, "Who would be able to sleep comfortably when they close their eyes, these mountain loads of paperworks seem like engraved on their eyelids. For the sun god's sake." He complained as he continued to sign the document, seemingly like a child to the head butler that practically raised him.

Lucien laid his head gently on top of the paper he was signing, "Where's Allen?"

"That is the reason why I am here, sire." Hearing that he quickly lifted his face with the paper still sticking on his face, " Tell me on the way." He said, peeling the paper off his face.

" S-sire? Sire, wait-" Jeremy tried to stop him but the Crown Prince already exited the room.

He can only sigh, feeling the headache coming back.

He does not have the courage to tell him that his appearance is disheveled, but what stood out the most is that the signature from the paper the prince was signing was transferred to his face.

The old butler did not have a choice but make a run for it, in hope he could catch the prince before it's late.

"Your highness, you do not know where they are! Wait for this old servant!"


The now fully awake Crown Prince walked his way by the garden on the instructions of the butler.

When the two(Allen and Todd,The Duke) went out to take a walk to the garden, Lucien specifically instructed Jeremy to follow them 'in case something happen'. Though baffled, the old butler followed his order.

" I am not sure what may be the situation back there, but Sir Allen went off with a complex expression. It seems like their topic is quite sensitive so I did not dare push my way closer." Jeremy utters softly as they stroll through the garden.

Lucien can figure part of the reason why so he didn't ask any more.

"After the two meeting I went back immediately to provide the infos I've managed to collect and stumbled upon Allen and the others on my way. Called out for him but for some reason he ran away."

Noticing his butler stopped, Lucien nodded at him before proceeding to another topic.

"What seems to be the case with the Second Prince at the moment?" The curious lad asked out, which Jeremy cut off;"I am getting there."

"The Prince is currently in the west wing palace, and I've heard from the servant we've assigned to him that he went out to re-inspect a few gardens away from the Empress'."

Lucien arched a brow on what his butler said," By himself? "

" That is what I heard, yes. But.. "

The butler was mid-sentence when he heard footsteps not far away. He advanced, shielding Lucien from what he perceived to be a threat, but the man behind him told him to lower his guard.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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