Chapter twenty five ( Hobi )

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There was a very long silence around the table before everyone expressed their surprise. Because, that was the biggest new of the century.

Jimin turned to Taehyung who just wanted to disappear after hitting Jungkook's head.

HS: Is it true?

JM: Mmmmmm!  Are you guys dating??  Since when??  Howwww!?  HOWWW?! 

Jungkook licked his lips and lowered his head realising what he just did. He glanced at Taehyung and sat slowly like a kid scared of his mother. 

SM: So?  So? 
WG: Don't stay quiet. Come on!
YG: Taehyung?

Taehyung sighed. They were doomed. How could he even lie now?  He couldn't deny anymore.

Tae: Well.. Yeah. We are dating.

Everyone's eyes widen once again.

SM: I never thought you liked each other.
WG: I truly thought you actually hated each other. How is this possible?

SM: You hid it very well.

Tae: We.. We were scared that exposing our couple would ruin our beautiful and calm relationship. Sorry guys. Sorry that you had to find out. Like that. He said giving Jungkook a death glare.

Jeong bin smiled and took a sip of his drink.

JG: Well. At least I helped you to come out.

Tae: Ha.. Jimin?  Say something.

JM: what would you like me to tell you?  I mean.. This is a very surprising new but, this is a good new. Right?  You love each other after all. Yoongi?

YG: Yeah. It's been years that we were waiting for you to to date. So.. Yeah. It's good.

Then, they turned their gaze on Hoseok who was quiet listening to them.

HS: Hum.. That's good. This is unexpected but.. As long as... You two are happy I am fine.. He said as calm as he could with a soft smile that he forced himself to show.

HS: congratulations. He continued.

Tae: Thank you... Jung-.. JUNGKOOK!!

Jungkook who fell asleep during their conversation, woke up suddenly and sniffed.

Tae: Are you feeling well?

JB: He drank alot.
JM: Hah~ poor thing. He can't stand alcohol at all.

Tae: mmm. I think I have to go now then. I mean we. He is not.. Okay.

JM: Can you drive?  You drank too.

Tae: I am fine. I just drank a glass. I am perfectly fine.

He stood up and helped Jungkook to get on his legs.


JK: hum.... Babe...

They all couldn't help but chuckle. That was the first time they heard Jungkook calling Tae this way and the first time they were acting as a real couple.

Tae: what?

JK: I am sleepy.

Tae: I know. So.. Stand up and let's sleep. Okay?
JK: okay.

Tae: alright. See you tomorrow guys. Have fun.
JM: Be careful.

Tae: Oh. But how will you guys go back to the hotel then?

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