CHAPTER 3 - the reunion

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Today I woke up pretty early, it was only 8 am. I stretched in the bed and got up a few minutes later. To be honest I felt pretty calm before my visit to Lorenzo." Everything was over, I'm done with him. I thought."

It was quite dark in the room so I decided it would be a good idea to open the curtains. The sun was smiling at me telling it's all gonna be alright.

I walked into the kitchen. Damiano was still sleeping, his bedroom doors were still closed. I decided it would be nice to make him something to eat for us. After all he's letting me stay in his apartment for free.

I found all the needed ingredients and started mixing the pancake batter. Then I started cooking them. I was so focused on not burning them that I didn't even hear when Damiano walked in and hugged me from behind. I got a little scared and slightly jumped.

Damiano pulled away "did I scare you?" he asked chuckling.

"No" I sarcastically answered and laughed too "are you in the mood for pancakes?"

"I always am" he said and walked to kettle to boil some water for tea.

"Are you in the mood for some tea?" He repeated me.

"I always am" this time I repeated him and we both laughed.

Together we ate breakfast and talked. After we finished he went to take a shower and I did the dishes.

[after a while}

"Ready to go" Damiano asked me.

"Yes, let's go" and we left the apartment.

When we were outside Damiano turned to me and said. "I think we should rent a car. He might remember my car's number plate and find us." How did he even think about a thing like that? I was truly impressed.

"Okay. That's a good point."

"There's a car rental nearby so we don't have to walk for a long time." He then added.

But walking wasn't a problem for me because I was pretty fit. We walked for a few minutes before reaching the car rental. I waited outside until Damiano rented a car. He came out with car keys in his hand wiggling them in my face and smiling. I laughed.

We were sitting in the car and Damiano was driving again, I turned on the GPS because we didn't know where to go.

I don't know why, but when men drive with one hand I find it so appealing. And Damiano did it so good, so relaxed. I couldn't keep my eyes off and started blushing, hoping he didn't notice it.

When we were driving, my nerves got to me again. My hands started shaking.

Damiano took a look at me before saying "there's nothing to worry about, I'm here with you."

"Thanks Damiano. You're a such great person, I don't know what I would do without." Thinking back I sounded so cringey. Why do I always have to ruin everything.

The rest of the ride was quiet. We got out of the car and walked to the door. I rang the doorbell. But it wasn't Lorenzo who opened the door. It was his mom. I suddenly calmed down. Lorenzo can't harm me when his parents were around. His mom was the sweetest person ever and always treated me nicely. I sometimes think how such amazing people can raise such horrible children.

This time wasn't different. She was smiling at. "Oh y/n, how nice to see you. I heard what happened between you two. Lorenzo said you're coming so that's why I'm here, he himself isn't home."

"He's not?" I asked confused "where is he then?"

"God knows where" she answered "what are we waiting for? Come in." She looked at Damiano. "And who is this young man?"

From the Beggining - Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now