CHAPTER 35 - From the Beggining

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Posted: June 14, 2023

I think you're gonna love this

We were sitting very far apart not just on the opposite sides of the sofa, no. I was sitting on the ground and he was at the very end of the couch. ce when Damiano talked, "Y/n?"

"Si? (Yes?)" I turned to face him. God! I couldn't stand to look at those brown eyes. Eyes, which were full of concern.

"Parleremo? (Are we going to talk?)" he asked.

"Abbiamo parlato. Abbiamo parlato del film. Abbiamo parlato del cibo — (We talked. We talked about the movie. We talked about the food — )" I started, but Damiano interrupted me.

"Y/n, sii serio. So che non sei stupido. (Y/n, be serious. I know you're not stupid)," he said a bit more enthusiastically then I would have preffered.

"Ne parleremo seriamente mentre stiamo guardando Cars? Se suonavano i Queen, i Metallica o David Bowie, allora andava bene. Ma Auto? (Are we seriously going to talk about that while were watching Cars? If Queen or Metallica or David Bowie were playing then fine. But Cars?)" 

"Allora mettiti Queen e possiamo parlare! (Then put on Queen and we can talk!)" Damiano said.

"No, lo spengo. (No, I'll turn it off)," I decided and did as I said after I stood up. "Ora. Cosa vuoi sapere? (Now. What do you wanna know?)" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Perché hai lasciato? (Why did you leave?)" he asked.

"Quindi ora stai fingendo di essere stupido. La nota, Damiano. La nota. Ricordo ogni cazzo di parola. T/N, devi andartene immediatamente. Non puoi più restare qui. Ho impacchettato la tua roba per farti fare più in fretta. Lascia la chiave sul bancone. Chiamami. Damiano. (So you're pretending to be stupid now. The note, Damiano. The note. I remember every fucking word of it. Y/ N, you need to leave immediately. You can't stay here anymore. I packed your stuff for you to make it quicker. Leave the key on the counter. Call me. Damiano)," I recited. "Ti ho chiamato, Daminao. Non hai risposto. (I did call you, Damiano. You didn't answer).

"E ti ho richiamato e non hai risposto. (And I called you back and you didn't answer)," he said as he stood up too.

I didn't say anything back, just glared at him dangerously.

"Y/n, hai frainteso la nota. Ti avevo detto di andartene subito perché l'appartamento era stato attaccato dalle termiti sotterranee. (Y/n, you misunderstood the note. I told you to leave immediately because the apartment was being attacked by Subterranean termites)," he explained.

I didn't know what to say to that new found revelation, "quindi non volevi solo buttarmi fuori? (so you didn't just want to kick me out?)" I asked with a small voice.

"No (No)" he shook his head and sat back down. "Mi piaceva che vivessi con me."

I was too embarrased to say anything else, but "Mi dispiace (sorry)," right now. "Se ti farà sentire meglio: non mi piaceva non averti nella mia vita. (If it will make you feel better: I didn't like not having you in my life.)"

"Non mi piaceva non averti anche nella mia vita. (I didn't like not having you in my life too.)" he said softly and offered him a soft smile.

I cleared my throat, "Festeggiamo. Aspetta qui, vado a prendere del vino. Oh aspetta, non abbiamo vino qui. Nessun problema, faccio un salto al negozio all'angolo... (Let's celebrate. Wait here, I'll get some wine. Oh wait, we don't have wine here. No problem, I'll pop off to the corner shop...)"

"Y/n, hai dimenticato dove siamo? È un albergo. Possiamo avere il servizio in camera. (Y/n, did you forget where we are? It's a hotel. We can get room service)," Damiano said.

"Oh giusto. Ho dimenticato. (Oh, right. I forgot)," I confessed.

Not even ten minutes later we received our bottle of wine.

"Ed eccoci qui. (And here we go)," I said handing a glass to Damiano and keeping one for myself. "Dall'inizio? (From the beginning?"

"Dall'inizio. (From the beginning)," he agreed and we clinked our glasses before taking a sip.

"Sai, in realtà sono molto dispiaciuto per come sono andate le cose per noi. (You know, I'm actually very sorry fo the way things turned out for us)," I said as I sat down, this time way closer to him. Actually so close that our knees were almost touching.

"Dimentichiamoci che è successo. (Let's just forget it happened)," Damiano said.

"Dimentica che è successo. (Forget it happened)," I repeated quietly, more for myself than to him. Somehow it didn't sit right with me. "Forse... forse non dovremmo dimenticare che sia mai successo. (Maybe... maybe we shouldn't forget it ever happened.)" I said even quieter after a while.

"Cosa intendi? (What do you mean?)" he asked, brows furrowed.

"Voglio dire, e la band? (I mean, what about the band?)" I asked.

"E la banda? (What about the band?)" he asked too.

"Hai intenzione di dire loro qualcosa su di noi? (Are you going to say anything about us to them?)" I looked away while saying this. I didn't want him to think that it was bad, what we were doing, not that it was, because we were just making up.

"Se non vuoi, non dirò loro niente. (If you don't want to, I won't tell them anything.)" Damiano assured me.

"Io non. Sento che si aspettano qualcosa, e quel qualcosa è troppo... troppo grande  (I don't. I feel like they're expecting something, and that something is too... too big)," I explained.

"Cosa intendi con "senti che si aspettano qualcosa"? (What do you mean you 'feel like they're expecting something'?)" he looked for my gaze.

"Non arrabbiarti, ma. Ma ho parlato con loro. Non tutti insieme, solo uno a uno. (Don't get mad, but. But I talked to them. Not all of us together, just one to one.)"

"Non sono pazzo. (I'm not mad)," he said. "Hai ragione. Aspetterebbero. (You're right. They would be expecting)," he agreed.

"Quindi lo terremo privato? (So we'll keep this private?)"

"Lo terremo privato. (We'll keep this private.)" Damiano confirmed.

I released a breath, "bene. (good.)"

I scooted even closer to him and leaned down to lay on his shoulder.

"Si chiederanno dove sei andato? (Will they wonder where you've gone?)" I asked quietly.

"SÌ. Ma dirò loro che ero a casa di un amico. Quasi non sarà una bugia. (Yes. But I'll tell them I was at a friend's house. It will almost be not a lie.)" he replied in a whisper.

I laughed, "Quasi. (Almost.)"

Word count: 1k

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Next post: June 21, 2023 - July 14, 2023

From the Beggining - Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now