CHAPTER 18 - Encounter

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Posted: 2023 January 3rd

I found the nearest reception and walked towards it in a fast pace.

"Excuse me," I said politely so the woman would look at me. "When is the next flight to London."

Without saying anything she just looked at her screen with an annoyed look on her face. "There's one in 20 minutes."

I swallowed from the nerves. "O- Okay. Are there seats available?" I didn't even notice when I placed my elbows on the counter.

"Yes, mam." She continued to talk in her bored tone.

"I would like to purchase it then."

She nodded and turned to her computer to type something before looking at me again. "80 euros please."

"Mhm." I hummed, pulled out my wallet out of my pocket and then my card out of it to scan it to pay.

"Have a nice day." The woman said in an auto-pilot handing me the ticket she just printed before returning to what she was doing.

I grabbed my bag with one hand and the ticket with the other and rushed to look at the screen.

In twenty minutes I had to go through the customs, find my gate and get on the plane. It was a challenge, but I was determined to conquer it.

Thankfully the customs weren't bad, but now finding my gate was a problem. The ones I needed to find were at the other end of the airport.

I ran through the building like a crazy woman. My hair was flying everywhere, my shoe laces had untied and my face was as red as a tomato.

I barely managed to make it to the boarding, only an elderly couple was in front of me.

When I finally found my seat on the plane I slumped down with all my weight catching my breath.

"You alright?" The guy who was next to me asked.

I turned to look at him. He was around my age, a small, but warm smile on his face, messy blonde hair and bright green eyes.

I smiled back at him, straightened my posture, for a moment I had forgotten that the plane was full of people. "Yes, yes." I took another deep breath. "Yes. I'm alright..." I answered slowly. He continued to look at him so I spoke. "So what brings you to London?"

"I live there." He answered. "I traveled to Italy for a business trip. You?"

"Moving," I said shortly. "I got a job offer there, so here I am."

"What kind of job?"


"I can see why." He grinned and so did I.

"And what do you do?" I changed the subject from me.

"I work with real estate. My father has a small company." He explained.

"So practising to inherit the business?" I joked.

"Sadly yes." He said while taking in a deep breath.

"You don't like the company?" I asked wonderingly.

"I don't like my father." He explained with a weak smile.

"Oh,' this made me think about my father. He was the best either.

"I'm Luke by the way." He changed the subject.

"I'm y/n. Nice to meet you Luke,' I smiled at him.

We continued to talk for the rest of the flight and only finished when the plane landed.

I climbed down the stairs out of the plane to the unfamiliar city.

"Y/n!" Someone called me so I turned around.

It was Luke.

"If you don't know anyone in London... maybe...' he started.

"Sure. I would love to hang out together." I finished

"Great. Let me... just...' and he started rummaging through his pockets.

He pulled out a piece of paper that happened to be a receipt and pen. Luke started writing something down.

"Here, that's my number, call me." 

"Of course." I smiled at him.

"Goodbye y/n." And he walked away.

"Bye,' I yelled after him.

And now, probably the hardest part has come. I needed to find a place to live.

I stepped out the airport with my head full of thoughts.

Happy New Year!

Next post: 2023 January 10th - 2023 February 3rd

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