CHAPTER 11 - guys

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There weren't many people here yet so we effortlessly found Victoria, she wasn't very busy just grabbing a few glasses from the kitchen, it was easy to approach her.

"Hey, Vic." I greeted embracing her and she kissed my cheek.

"Nice to see you guys." She said exited.

"Hi." Damiano said giving her a side hug.

"Having fun?" She asked.

"We haven't done anything much yet, be we are enjoying ourselves." I said wrapping my hand around Damiano's torso and then looking up at him waiting for him to say something.

"We're having fun don't worry." Damiano responded smiling at Vic. "Well here is a little gift from us and we won't bother you anymore." He said while placing the gift bag on the counter, I took my hand off of him and instead we intertwined our fingers and walked of.

"Okay, have fun!" Vic wished for us.

Me and Damiano walked to the garden which was way more lively than the last time I was here.

"She has a nice garden." I said looking at Damiano.

"Yeah, she does." Damiano added.

"It's a lot of work, does she take care of it by herself?" I asked curious.

"I don't think so." He responded. "Look at her, does she look like person that can dig the ground with her hands?"

"Hmm... not really." I said truthfully and we both had a laugh.

Damiano turned his head around.

"Let's go in, the music is finally on." Damiano said while dragging me inside.

When we walked in I noticed that more people were there and I felt my heartbeat beat faster.

"Y/n, I can introduce you to those people." Damiano offered.

"Sure." I replied not wanting to seem nervous.

Damiano introduced me to other guests and we had a small talk. To calm myself down I grabbed a glass of wine and Damiano joined me, then we walked to the living room and started dancing.

I could see that he wanted to interact with the others, but at the same time he wanted to make sure I felt comfortable around new people.

"Damiano it's okay, you can hangout with others, I can find something for me to do." I explained to him.

"Are you sure?" He made sure.

"One hundred percent." I reassured him. "Now go have fun, I'm like a tail hanging onto to you." I laughed.

"If something is wrong I'm still here." He said firmly to me.

"I know, I know. Now go." I said slightly pushing him away.

I myself didn't want to leave him, but he needed some time with his other friends. Chili was laying near me so I sat down crossing my legs to rub her bell. She enjoyed it very much. We were having fun until someone tripped over me. I looked up to see who it was, it was some kind of guy  who didn't even apologise.

"What the fuck!" I yelled at him getting up. He turned around at me and looked confused, like he didn't do anything wrong. "What's the matter with you?" I asked angrily.

"Calm down baby, we can settle this calmly." He said while coming closer to me, I was walking backwards until I hit the wall and he rested his hand on the wall so I couldn't go anywhere.

"What are you doing?" I asked even angrier than before.

"Shh, shh. Calm down." He said as he was pushing himself against my body.

At that moment I couldn't speak. I was too shocked by his arrogant behaviour. The guy tightly grabbed and picked me up, I tried kicking and moving around, but he was too big. He carried me to the upstairs bathroom and locked the door, pushed me against the wall and grabbed my throat with his hand.

"Listen princess, you do what I tell you to or it's not going end good for you." He threatened me. "And stay quiet, I warn you."

"It's not going to work for you." I tried to say it confidently,  it my voice was shaky. On the inside I was terrified.

"Says who?" He asked as he was placed his hand on my waist and and slowly moved it to my butt.

The door knob moved and he turned around. "It's taken." He said loudly placing his hand on my mouth.

"Stay quiet, I remind you." He threatened me then moved his hand to unbutton my pants.

I could feel my eyes getting watery. He unzipped my pants and started pulling them down. I couldn't hold my tears anymore and let them go.

"Pathetic whore." He complained.

Now my pants were pulled down to my ankles, he was about to take of my underwear too when the door knob moved again.

"It's taken!" He yelled again and placing his hand on my mouth.

"Open the door." I could hear Victoria's voice.

"I'm sorry it's the number two." He lied.

"You have two girls?" Thomas said making fun of him.

"What now, I'm on the toilet." He tried to explain himself.

"Let's go." I heard Vic say.

Did they seriously believe him? I couldn't believe it.

The guy then pushed me on the floor I was sitting now. His spare hand he placed on the side of my underwear and tried pulling them too. I tried to resist it and it was working, until he grabbed my throat harder, so I had to give up.

I heard the door unlocking. Yes they're here. The guy immediately took his hands off me, but it was too late they already saw it.

"Get. Your. Hands. Off. Her." Damiano said furious when he walked in coming closer to us.

"She wanted it." He tried explaining himself.

"Who the fuck are you?" Vic asked, she was really angry. "I didn't invite you."

"I came with a friend." He said getting up.

"Well than you and your friend have to leave." Ethan said and Vic pointed her knife at him.

"She asked for it. She walked to me first." He continued, but of course no one believed him, Ethan, Thomas and some other guy escorted him.

Damiano walked closer to me wiped my tears and helped me get dressed again.

"I won't leave you again. I promise." Damiano promised me.

"I'm so sorry this happened y/n." Vic started apologising. "I don't know how he got here."

"It's alright. It's not your fault and after all nothing happened." I tried to say something to not make her feel guilty.

"What do you mean nothing happened? You were almost naked and he almost choked you." Damiano said worried. "Do you wanna go home?"

"No, I'm fine." I said. "let's go down again." I said and we left. "Vic seriously it's not your fault." I said. "And by the way how did you find out?"

"My friend said she saw someone carry someone upstairs, when I started walking to the stairs I saw Damiano who was looking for you and then Thomas, Ethan and one other guy heard me screaming." She explained.

"Oh, thanks guys, now let's go have fun again." I said to change the atmosphere.


Hey guys hope you liked reading this, I didn't think it would turn out this way, but here we go.

Please vote on my story and please comment, you have no idea what it means to me.

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