CHAPTER 32 - Ethan

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Posted: May 11, 2023

I felt the tears sting my eyes as I walked along the building looking for an entry. Why did Thomas have to bring it up, at least Victoria was sensible enough not to ask. To tell the truth, if looking from the side, I would be interested in this whole shananigan too. I would be curious to know what happened, why was y/n living with Damiano and then gone, gone like she disappeared off the face of the earth. 

"Sorry," I was dragged out of my own train of thoughts as I bumped into someone. Ethan.

"Sorry," he apologized too. Then, he seemed to recognize me," y/n? Va... va tutto bene? (is... is everthing okay?)"

I wiped vigorously on my eyes, "Si si. Va bene (Yes, yes. Just fine)," 

"Sei sicuro? Sei- (Are you sure? You're-)," he began, but I didn't let him finish.

"Non sto piangendo. Sono solo allergie. Sai questo periodo dell'anno. Fiori. Fiori ovunque (I'm not crying. It's just allergies. You know this time of the year. Flowers. Flowers everywhere)," I defended.

Ethan raised his eyebrows, "è così? (is that so?)"

"Si (Yes)," I nodded firmly.

He wasn't so easily fooled, "Vuoi qualche medicina per aiutare con le allergie? (Do you want some medicine to help with allergies?)"

I shook my head, "No grazie. Ne ho solo preso un po'... troppo farebbe male alla mia salute (No grazie. Ne ho solo preso un po'... troppo farebbe male alla mia salute)" he continued to look staright at me like he was expecting something. He wasn't saying anything either.

"Come stai? (How are you?)" I asked wanting to change the topic away from me. "Ti stai godendo l'Eurovision e tutto il resto? (Enjoying Eurovision and all that?)"

I didn't even feel when we started walking away from the door we literally ran in to one another, we were pacing on a sidewalk and slowly making our way to a bridge. I felt more at easy than I did a few minutes ago.

"Sì, sì, è stato fantastico (Yes, yes, it's been great)," he replied politely. "Faticoso, ma fantastico.  (Faticoso, ma fantastico. E tu? Ti stai divertendo?)

God! Why was our conversation so polite and diplomatic!

"È stato sorprendente. Ho conosciuto un sacco di gente nuova. È davvero un'opportunità straordinaria. (It's been astonishing. I met a lot of new people. It's an amazing opportunity really.)" I agreed.

"I'm home! Well, it's not really home, but it's the closest to home we have here in Holland!" I called after I entered our hotel room.

"Yes, yes. I got the message!" Sofia replied coming out to greet me. She looked different than always, her eyes weren't so bright as always, concern was covering her face.

"What's up?" I asked as put down my bag down.

"Nothing," she turned around.

"Sof, don't hide from me. What happened, I can help, or at least I can try to help."

She sat down on sofa to face out of the balcony window, I followed suit, sitting down on one leg to make it easier to look at her, "please tell me what happened," I said quietly. "I hate seeing you like this, upset and all..."

Sofia exhaled, "dad called," that was enough to throw me off the tracks.

That man hadn't tried to contact us in so many years, I haven't seen or heard anything from him since I turned eighteen, so that makes it about 3 years. And it's not like I want to do anything with him either, I had no desire to see or talk to him. 

Word count: 0,6k

Next post: May 18, 2023 - June 11, 2023

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