CHAPTER 5 - happy birthday

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I woke up and sat up. I looked around the room. I was in my bedroom, Damiano must have carried me to my bed last night. "What a gentleman" I thought.

I took a glance at my phone. My delivery was already waiting for me. So I decided to hop out of bed and take a shower.

While showering I was wondering what Damiano had planned for his birthday. I was sure he was gonna celebrate somehow.

When I got out of the shower and was already in the living room Damiano was still asleep. I don't blame him, I don't know when the basketball game ended.

I took my phone, wallet keys and a reusable grocery bad with me and quietly left. I thought it would be nice to do some grocery shopping for us.

I typed the destination of the shop where I had to pickup my order on my phone first. It wasn't a long walk at all, only 15 minutes. I enjoyed the walk, the streets of Rome were very clean surprisingly. I adored the sound of sea and the chirping birds. It was cloudy and a little bit windy today, but still warm enough for a nice walk. 

Without really noticing I had already reached the store. I entered and was greeted by a smiling woman who was sitting at the cash register.

I got my package without any trouble. I put it at the bottom of my bag and left the store. My next destination was the supermarket. This time I didn't need a GPS because I had seen a store on my way here.

I entered store, grabbed a cart and bought only the necessities. I didn't really know what he usually bought. 

After some shopping I got back to Damiano's apartment. Of course he was already awake. 

I smiled at him and greeted him. "Good morning! Been awake for long?"

"No. To be honest I just woke. I would have slept for longer, but I really had to pee." Damiano explained. "And where were you?"

"I did some grocery shopping" I said while unloading my bag.

When I finished unpacking I sneaked away to my bedroom so he didn't see the present. I wrapped it and hid it in my closet.

[the next day]

Yesterday I went to sleep early so I could wake up early today and make Damiano breakfast. I wanted to make something sweet so I started making chocolate crapes.

I put on my headphones and started listening to my playlist. I was having a great time and was truly impressed how only one crape had hole.

I was adding the final touches to both of the plates when Damiano walked in.

"Happy birthday!" I said excitedly sliding the plate across the kitchen island to him.

"Oh." He said surprised. "Well thank you" he thanked smiling at me.

"Okay let's go eat before it gets cold." I suggested grabbing my plate and going to the balcony, Damiano followed after me.

"So what are you planning to do?" I asked him after taking a few bites.

Damiano held up one finger showing to wait. Few seconds later he said. "Sorry, full mouth. But about the birthday thing, it's a surprise."

"No. No surprises it's your birthday you're the one who is supposed to be getting surprised."

"My birthday, my rules." He said imitating a brat and taking a bite.

"Fine." I said annoyed.

After we finished eating I directed. "Close your eyes and stay here."

"Okay" he agreed following the instructions and smiling.

I walked to my bedroom,  grabbed the present and went back to the balcony where Damiano was waiting patiently with his eyes closed, exactly how I told him to. He must have heard that I came and smiled again.

From the Beggining - Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now