CHAPTER 10 - playing

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This morning Damiano woke me up by carefully caressing my cheek with his hand. I was comfortably laying on his chest when I got up.

"Good morning" I said in my morning voice still a bit sleepy looking at his glorious eyes.

"Good morning to you too." He said in a raspy voice too.

I looked around. "We're still at the beach." I chuckled.

"I know we fell asleep last night." Damiano said while moving my hair behind my ears.

"What time is it?" I asked.

Damiano showed me his phone's screen. It was 7:02 am.

"I'm going to get dressed, I'm still half naked." I said getting up and looking around.

"Have you seen my dress? I can't find it." I said digging through our stuff.

"It was next to the bag last night. Right over there." He said pointing to a rock I had previously put it.

"The wind must have blown it away." I said concerned.

Damiano got up. "Let's go and look around."

We searched for around 10 minutes, but there was no sign of it.

"I think it's time to give up." I said annoyed.

"You can take my shirt." Damiano offered handing me his shirt which laid next to the bag.

"Thank you." I said taking his shirt and putting it on. It was pretty over sized on me so it was almost like a short dress.

"How unfair that guys can walk shirtless." I complained.

"You can change the system." He suggested.

I giggled. "Maybe not today, I'm not really in the mood today, ya know." I said sarcastically and we both had a laugh.

We packed our stuff and started heading home while holding each other's hands.

"Tonight Vic invited us to hangout at her house." Damiano said. "Will you fancy to join?"

"Under one condition." I said firmly, looking straight at his eyes. "We either call an Uber or you let me drive this time. I want you to have fun as well."

"As you wish, we can call an Uber." He didn't argue with me.

"Who's gonna be there? I asked while we continued our walk.

"The band of course and some other friends of ours." He replied calmly.

"Do I know them?" I asked, I didn't really enjoy meeting new people.

"Some of them were at my birthday, some weren't, but I think you'll get along well." He reassured me.

"Okay.' I said while looking down.

We walked back home and I took a deep shower to get the salt and sand out of my hair.

When I finished I walked to the living. Damiano was somewhere else when I heard the doorbell ring, so I went to open it.

"Here's your order." A man dressed in red said when I opened the door.

"Uh." I was a bit confused. "How much is it?" I asked.

"14,96 euros." The man responded.

"Let me grab it for you, give me a minute." I said before starting to close the door, but something stopped it, it was Damiano's hand, right above me.

"No need for that." He calmly told, I don't know what's wrong with me, but I blushed. "Here you go, keep the change. Have a good day." Damiano said to the delivery person while handing him the money and taking the bag.

From the Beggining - Damiano DavidDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora