CHAPTER 27 - Awkward Elevator

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Posted: 12th of March 2023

This was the end of me. Today was the day y/n y/l/n was going to die and the witness would be none other than Damiano fucking David.

We got stuck in the elevator. Out of all the people I could have gotten stuck with, out of all the times it could have happened. Of course, of course it had to be the time I accidentally got in there when he was there.

Seconds that felt like eternity went by until I finally broke the broke the uncomfortable silence, "we should press..." my voice cracked so I swallowed the lump in my throat, "the emergency button."

I looked back down at my feet, I couldn't bare any longer to look at those deep brown eyes of his. I leant forwards slightly so I could reach the button.

There it was again. The fucking silence. There was so much I wanted to say, the thing I wanted him to say, but I couldn't bare myself to talk about what needed to be talked about. At the same time I needed to show him that I wasn't affected by his presence at all. He needed to think that I didn't care.

"So how's life?" I asked bringing my head up to look at him, to look at those eyes.

He cleared his throat, "fine, uhh... you?"

"Great. Everything is just great." I said thinking about all the nights I had cried about him, about the crappy apartment I had to live in, about how I had to be strong for Sofia when she was mourning our aunt and uncle. Of course there were also the nightmares after all these years about my father and of course Lorenzo.

So in short I wasn't great. I wasn't even fine. I was fucking misererable and depressed all the fucking time, but he didn't need to know any of that. As far as Damiano was supposed to be concerned with, I was living my dream.

"Good." He said shortly, this time he was the one to break the eye contact and look down.

How dare he act like he was the one who got hurt, who got left. He didn't deserve to act like that. I was the one who he got rid off, not the other away around. "Good." I said more sharply than I had intended.

He looked at me with furrowed brows and eyes sparkling with confusion.

So that's how the conversation was going to go?

I crossed my hands over my chest and lifted my chin slightly, in a daring way.

"Y/n — " I cut him off, I was going to be in control.

"Stop." I released a breath I didn't know I was holding in. "What — what happened." I asked in a small voice. All the courage I had gathered before was gone. I felt like a small kid.

"I wanted to ask you the same." His tone was accusatory.

I scoffed, I wasn't having any of this bullshit, "Well, too bad, because you're not going to have the chance!" I raised my voice.

And just in time the lift started moving down again. I stumbled at the unexpectance, but this time I didn't fall.

The second we stopped and the door opened just the slightest bit I rushed through it.

I still needed to meet up with Kim for lunch. 

I started taking in long deep breaths to compose myself. She didn't need to worry.

Word count: 0.5k

Next post: 19th of March - 12th of April 2023

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