CHAPTER 33 - heart

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Posted: May 28, 2023

Also a big thanks for 5k views

I collected myself as fast as I could, "what did he want?" I asked, hoping to sound nonchalant.

Sofia stayed quiet for a few moments, she seemed to be debating on what was the best way to approach it, "he wanted to wish you good luck with this Eurovision job."

"Good luck? Like hell I'd believe that. What did he really want?" when Sofia didn't say anything I demanded again. This time more strictly, "Sofia, what did he want?"

"He wanted money."

Of course that old bastard wanted money, that's all he ever cared about. And of course he called Sofia instead of me, she was always the weaker one. It was I, who always tried to stand up for both of us.

"What did you say? We're not giving him any money just so he can get drunk again. And it's not like we owe him anything either."

"I said we don't have money."

"That's right. We don't have much money too. How much does he think we make with you going to university and working part-time and me doing these interviewing and modeling gigs. We have an apartment with two bedrooms, we don't even have a car. Plus, we've worked really, really hard to have what we have. I had no help from anyone, well, except you, but definitely not from him, " I ranted. After I a while I continued, "how much did he want anyway?"

"20 thousand. He says he's sick and that's what we owe him anyway," Sofia seemed to shrink.

"We. Don't. Owe. Him. A-ny-thing."

"But, y/n, what if he's really sick?"

"Then let him die. I don't give a fuck about him. It would even be better if he were dead," my anger was catching up with me.

"Don't say that. He's still our dad."

"He wasn't a father since mom died!" I shouted.

I could see Sofia's eyes getting watery and her hand, which she hid under her leg, tremble. We barely talked about our dead mother. It was the sore spot in our relationship. We could talk about a lot of stuff, we were close in that department, but our mom. It hurt too much for both of us.

Before I could catch on what was really happening Sofia stood up and walked out the door.

I was too mad to run after her. I wasn't angry at her, but the point stood. I was furious.

I pulled out my phone, opened the "calls" app and found my father's number.

He picked it up after the third ring, "hi. How's your your. Good? Well mine was pretty good too until I got home. You know what happened when I got back? Sofia told me you called her. Funny isn't it? What an unlikely story!" I was raging and words were falling out of my mouth without me realizing it.

"Y/n, calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down! Why did you ask for money?! You have no right to do that!"

"I'm sick y/n."

"Yeah. I heard that story."

"Look, I have Coronary Artery Disease and I need money for a heart transplant."

"Should've thought first before doing all that smoking," I simply muttered.

"I'm not asking for you to give me you heart. I simply need the money."

"Well, we'd need to be dead to give you our hearts."

"Look, I know that may not have been a good father at all time, but deep down I have always loved and cared for you."

"So you're not just a disgusting liar, but a manipulator too. Interesting."

"Y/n, you have to understand. It was a hard time for me."

"Look, I didn't call you to listen how sad and pathetic your life in. I called you to tell you to stay away. Stay away from me and Sofia. We have found ourselves a new and better life. We're happy. And you should be happy about that. So please, stay away and don't ever call us again. Have a nice life and goodbye," I didn't even let him say anything before I hang up. I wanted to forget that man exists.

Word count: 0,7k

Next post: June 4, 2023 - June 28, 2023\

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