CHAPTER 20 - loss

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Posted: 16th January 2023

The next morning I woke up slowly, streching and inhaling deeply with my eyes closed.

"Good morning." A raspy voice said next to next.

I jumped at the shock. "What the fuck?!"

I tugged on the duvet harder, pressing it on my chest.

I looked at the person. It was Luke. I felt slightly better, but still a bit uncomfortable. I immediately remembered the events of last night. Oh no! How could I have let that happen?

"Luke?" I asked.


I already knew the answer, but still asked. "What happened?" 

He took a deep breath and took a pause before saying. "Sorry." then he sat up.

Luke grabbed a blanket and covered himself before starting to leave.

"Where are you going?" I asked. "We need to talk."

He turned to look at me and gave a small smile. "Get dressed,  then we'll talk."

"Okay." I agreed and he left the room closing the door.

I had a headache from all the drinks I had and felt quite lightheaded. I sat up and stared at the wall without any emotions for a dew minutes before I got out of bed and got dressed to walk out.

Luke was at the kitchen brewing coffee, I looked at the glass of water and an aspirin on the white marble counter.

"How are you?" He asked casually.

I sat down on the barstool and grunted hoping it was enough of an answer. When Luke didn't say anything I knew I had to talk. "I'll never drink again."

He once again gave a small smile and sat down beside me. "Here." He said pushing the glass of water closer to me.

"Thanks." I said and took the aspirin.

"So..." I started hoping he would say anything which he thankfully did.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to go like that."

"It's okay," I said placing my hand on his arm. "We were both drunk."

"I still feel guilty." He said. "I promise I'm not like."

"It's alright. You were upset about your girlfriend, weren't you? And I feel shitty about my life too. I think both of us just needed a distraction."

"Thanks, but I still fell horrible." This time I gave him a small smile.

"Let's just forget this happened and be friends." I suggested.

"You'd do that?" He asked and I nodded. He chuckled lightly.

"You hungry?"


Few months later

Life seemed to be going well. I had a job,  and had a few new friends and it was just another normal day when I got a phone call.

"Hello." I said to the unknown caller.

"Is this y/n y/l/n?"


"I'm calling to inform about the death of your aunt and uncle."

"What? I think I heard you wrong. They can't be dead."

"I'm very sorry, the funeral will be held in 5 days."

Then I asked for the address,  what will happen to my cousins and how they died. Luckily my cousins were now going to stay with their parents. I was heartbroken to hear that their precious house burned down while the kids were at school.

The next worry that popped to my head was Sofia. What was she going to do now? I quickly called her.

"Sofia, how are you?" I asked hearing her sob at the other line of the phone.

"I assume you already heard about it."

"Yes, yes I did." I said gloomily.

"I don't know what to do." She cried.

"Move  in with me." I said without thinking.

"But you live in London."

"So what! I'm coming back for the funeral. And I'm going to get you aswell." I said firmly.

"Okay." She agreed.

Next post: 23rd January 2023 - 16th January 2023

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