CHAPTER 30 - Victoria

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Posted: April 11, 2023

I can't believe that it's chapter 30!

I found myself fussing around the mirror. There was still about 10 minutes before I had to leave and I was almost ready, but I still didn't feel ready.

"You still won't tell who you're meeting?" Sofia asked, leaning against the wall and stirring honey into her tea.

I shook my head while buttoning my shirt, "sorry. I don't know how it will, so..." I inhaled, "It's hard to explain."

I couldn't even understand why I wasn't telling Sofia about meeting Victoria. It was very odd. I was doing to make it easier for Sofia, at least I was telling myself that. I just didn't want her to expect anything. I don't know what I'm expecting myself.

"You know what I mean," I finished my buttons.

"No, but I'm trying to," she smiled, of course she was trying to. "But I understand," and of course she understood, Sofia was the most understanding person I know.

"Thank you," I looked at her. "I'll tell you though," I said.

She didn't say anything, she was expecting me to say something else, I could tell from the way her eyebrows were slightly raised, "when the time comes."

"When the time comes," she repeated quietly and walked out to the balcony.

I followed after her, I leaned against the railing and looked at her, "are you mad at me,? I paused, "for not telling you who I'm meeting."

"No," Sofia looked at me too, "It's your business. Plus, I already have some idea."

"You do?" I raised my brows.

"Yeah, you're really nervous, so it must be-" a ring interrupted her.

"Hello," I picked up my phone, "yes, of course, I can do that. You're welcome, no need to thank me. It's my job. Have a nice day too."

"Who was that?" Sofia asked.

"It's someone from the crew. Someone got sick and they need me to take their place," I explained.


I looked down at my phone to check the time, "looks like I have to go, see you later," I kissed her cheek and left.

When I arrived Victoria was already waiting for me, I smiled at her awkwardly, "ciao (hi)."

She grinned at me too, "ciao (hi)."

I sat down opposite her. We looked at each other for a few moments, neither of us saying anything. Finally she cleared her throat, "so, how have you been doing?"

"Bene (Good)," I lied. "E tu (What about you)?"

"Sì, anche bene (Yeah, good too)," she sipped her wine. I could tell she wasn't telling the whole truth too.

A question popped into my head, but I didn't dare to ask, a few seconds of awkwardness passed again. This time I broke, I got up the courage to ask, "gli-altri-sanno-ci-incontriamo (do-others-know-we're-meeting)?" I quickly blurted out.

"Scusi (pardon)," Victoria set down her glass.

"gli altri sanno che ci incontriamo proprio ora? (do others know that we're meeting up right now)?" I asked again.

"No, (no)," she replied.

"Nemmeno io l'ho detto a nessuno (I didn't tell anyone either)," I said, she looked up to face me.

We probably didn't for the same reason. What we were doing was... private.

"Sai... è davvero bello vedere che stai... almeno bene (you know... it is really nice to see that you're... fine at least)," Victoria said and I gave her a small smile with one side of my mouth.

I wanted to change the topic, I didn't want to talk about my well-being, "

"Comunque, come hai deciso di partecipare all'Eurovision? (Anyway, how did you decide to participate in Eurovision?)" I asked, sincerely curious.

"boh, non lo so. Il nostro manager ha suggerito e beh, non avevamo niente di meglio da fare, quindi perché no? (boh, non lo so. Il nostro manager ha suggerito e beh, non avevamo niente di meglio da fare, quindi perché no?)" she explained.

"interessante (interesting)," I took a sip of my own wine.

"che coincidenza che anche quest'anno sei un host! (what are coincidence that you're a host this year too!)" Victoria laughed.

"Già, che coincidenza (Yeah, what a coincidence)" I repeated slowly, laughing too.

We had a long dinner and then extended dessert. It was clear that I wasn't the only one who missed the other. We made small and not so small talk, but carefully walked around probably the most important topic: why I left.

As far as I understood, Victoria didn't know the reason for my leaving. Luckily, she didn't ask too. What a relief.

Overall the night was more than pleasant.

"dovremo incontrarci di nuovo. E così via (we'll have to meet again. And soon)," I said as we walked out, slightly tipsy from all the wine.

"Senza dubbio (No doubt)," Victoria agreed.

"Buon viaggio allora (Have a safe ride back then)" I kissed her cheeck.

"anche tu, amore (you too, love)," Victoria kissed mine back, she always got a bit flirty when drunk.

Word count: 0,8k

Next post: April 18, 2023 - May 11, 2023

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