CHAPTER 14 - preparation

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Updated: 14th of March 2023

Bianca and I got to my room which was the attic as always. Now that I looked around it wasn't as scary as it used to be for me when I was little.

Now I would say it's... cozy. There was only a small window not letting a lot of sunshine come in, old wooden walls and loads of stuff hung on them. My cousin sat on the bed and I followed her.

"It's not scary anymore." I confessed to her.

She took a look around. "Yeah..." she took a pause. "It's not, I haven't been here for a long time. But there is something new to it." She replied getting up.

Bianca bent down near the door and pressed something. The room became lighter.

"You installed lights!" I said amazed looking at the fairy lights.

"It was Carlo the one who did it. He wanted to upgrade the room." Bianca explained.

"That's very sweet of him." I said my thoughts out loud.

"He was really exited about you coming." She explained. "I mean, it was always you two who always did snail races."

"I had forgotten about them. How do you remember?" I asked shocked.

"Because I always wanted to join you, but you never let me." She complained.

"It was always Carlo, don't blame me." I defended myself.

"I know."

After she responded it was silence in the room. None of us said anything to each other. She just picked her nails while I was starring outside the window.

"We should prepare the house for the party." I finally said after a few minutes.

"We should." Bianca agreed and we left the room.

We climbed down the small ladders from the attic and walked to the living room. Immediately, my attention was caught by the boxes in the room.

"Are those the decorations?" I asked.

"Yes." Bianca answered. "We should ask Carlo for help. Carlo!"

"Where's Matteo." I asked her, thinking about my eldest cousin.

"He's in France." She replied.

I lifted my eyes with furrowed brows from the boxes to her. "What is he doing there?"

"Studying. For 4 years now actually." She explained.

"Why didn't I know that?" I asked a bit offended.

"I don't know. Didn't Sofia tell you?"

"I guess she forgot." I said taking stuff out of the boxes again.

"Called me?" Carlo said walking in to the room.

"We need help decorating the room." Bianca said giving him a garland. "Hang it over there."

"But that's so high." He complained.

"Too bad, you're the tallest anyway." She teased him.

"Just get the chair and you'll reach too. Why do I have to always do stuff like that?" Carlo complained.

"You're the tallest and oldest here." She got back at him.

"Stop fighting. I have a headache already. Give it to me I can hang it." I lost my patience with them.

My cousins looked at each other with angry looks.

"Carlo is doing it." She said and walked to the other boxes. Carlo didn't say anything just started hanging it.

"Okay..." I said before continuing to decorate.


Hey guys! Sorry that this chapter is so short I am not really motivated to write this story, but I still want quality.

Please comment and vote :)

From the Beggining - Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now