CHAPTER 23 - first day

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Posted: 11th February 2023

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Sofia and I were driving in a car, sent by the producers, to our hotel, I had my head stuck out of the window, I was taking in the unseen views of the foreign city. I had never been to Netherlands before, but I always wanted to visit it.

Sofia was looking very pleased too. She loved to travel and was even happier to have almost three weeks off of work. 

A woman who worked in the preparation of Eurovision was also sent with the car. Her name was Kim and she seemed only a couple years older than me, she had tried to tell us some information about the show, but soon noticed that our mind was elsewhere and soon gave up, instead letting us enjoy our first day.

When we arrived she spoke in her Dutch accent, "I'll lead you to your, say some details and I'll you alone for the rest of the night, alright?" 

"Okay." I agreed.

When we were finally in the room she told me about the stuff I'll need to do, rules, how to get around the city if needed and other stuff. Kim also told me that in this same hotel there were countries staying too; Germany, Finland, Lithuania, Norway and Italy...

But it was completely fine by me, it's fine.

When Kim left I started wondering. How soon will it be when I'll run in to them? How will they react? How will he react? What will he say? What am I going to do? What am I going to say? Will I be able to keep my cool? Maybe we'll get away with not seeing each other at all?

My thought were soon disrupted by Sofia's soft voice, "You okay, you seem a bit... distracted."

I couldn't quite control myself, "do I look okay?" then I realized what I'd just said, "Sorry" I turned away to look out the window instead of her, right now I couldn't bare those worried eyes.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I couldn't help myself. but breakdown. "I'm scared," I admitted, "I'm so fucking scared. I want to be angry at him, but I don't know if I am. I'm afraid he's angry at me, but at the same time, why should he? I didn't do anything wrong."

I knelt down, my legs were too shaky, soon I felt hot streams running down my face. "I didn't do anything wrong." I repeated now sobbing. "Why does life hate me so much?"

Sofia sat down beside me and wrapped me in a tight, warm hug. "Life doesn't hate you." She assured me. "Look around, you're literally the host for fucking Eurovision."

"I know, but it's... it's different. Why can't I find... never mind."

"You don't have to talk if you don't want to." Sofia said soothingly.

"Thanks." I muttered and shifted in her arms, I still wanted her touch, I didn't want to be alone. Oh no, I was crying again. Fuck it. Who cares? I'll cry if I feel like it.

Some time later I started feeling better so I finally sat up staright, "fancy going out for dinner?"

"Cheers." Sof smiled and got up.

We were both too knackered to actually go out and since we were at a hotel we used the opportunity to order room service.

Sofia had spicy noodles while I enjoyed my paella. Then we decided that we also needed deserts, so we each got an ice cream sundae. Even after that we weren't satisfied so we went for another round of sweets, this time we went for pies, I got a cherry one and Sofia got a classic pumpkin ('I miss fall, okay.') was her excuse.

Only after the pies we were full, so full that the exhaustion from before kicked in even stronger and we immediately dozed off to the world of dreams.

Next post: 18th February 2023 - 11th April 2023

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