CHAPTER 12 - games

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"Y/n, y/n.!" I heard Victoria's voice and woke up from my thoughts. I was still sitting on the floor slowly rubbing Chili's belly. The thoughts were just my anxiety. "You wanna play some games?" She asked me.

"Sure." I answered standing up.

"Did something happened?" Vic asked when she saw my distracted face, I was still thinking about my "dream".

"No, no everything's alright, I was just daydreaming." I said calmly.

"Oh yeah happens." She related.

"Anyways, what games are we playing?" I asked.

"Right now truth or drink." She said. "Now find somewhere for you to sit on the couch." She directed me and walked to someone else.

I found myself a space to sit next to Damiano. He scooted over to make me space, hugged my shoulders and I gave him a kiss on his jawline.

I looked around. Most of the people who came to the party are going to play the game that's 9 in total and those who won't were busy further away. On the table I noticed a knitted basket  with folded paper pieces inside, these must be the questions.

Soon after we started playing. At first it was Thomas's turn, he pulled out a piece of paper.

"How do you see yourself 5 years from now, what do you wish to do till 2024?" He read it out loud. "It's easy, I think I I mean we will still do music. I hope to become more recognisable in whole Europe. Is that enough?" He answered and we carried on.

After Thomas it was two other people I don't know so I didn't pay that much attention, now it was Ethan's turn.

"Who would you like to fuck in this room the most?" He read and straight away took the shot. "Vic your turn." He said while making a face from the drink.

"Oh no." She said while taking out a piece of paper. "What do you do when no one is watching?" She read. "I walk around naked." She answered confidently.

"You do this even if people are looking." Thomas pointed out and everyone laughed.

Two other people then had turns and both of them had a drink. Now it was Damiano's turn. He pulled out a piece of paper.

"Would you rather make out with the person on your left or your right." He read. I was sitting on his left. Damiano looked at both of us.

"Don't act like you're thinking about it." Vic protested. "It's obvious it's y/n. You already kissed her a million times!" After she said that I felt my cheeks getting red.

"Yes, it is my left, I pick y/n." He answered calmly. And I think the other girl got a little offended, but didn't say anything.

Now it was my turn, I grabbed the paper out of the basket.

"Do you believe in soulmates?" I read loudly." Yes, yes I do. "I said looking at Damiano and he was smiling at me.

Another lap has passed and it was Damiano's turn again.

"What was the best moment of your life?" He read and took a shot. "Sorry guys it's private." He apologised sheepishly.

"Okay my turn again." I said after turning from Damiano to a paper I had in my palm. "What life lessons did you have to learn the hard way?" I read. "I recently learned that the person you should trust the most is you, the only person who has ever and will always be there at any problem of yours is only you." I said confidently.

"Golden words." Some person say.

After that we decided to end the game and we all took some pictures together to remember the night we had.

Not so long after I found Damiano and we walked outside, it was already dark and the stars were winking at us.

We saw some girls do cartwheels and I said. "Can you do a cartwheel?" I asked.

"The best you've ever seen." He said confidently.

"Show me." I challenged him.

"Fine." He agreed and did the most horrific cartwheel I've ever seen.

"Not that bad for a beginner. I'll show you how masters works." I said confidently and did a cartwheel.

"What a show off." Damiano said teasing me. "You can probably do a backflip."

"No, but I can do this." I responded as I was sitting into a split.

"Okay, okay. I get it you can do gymnastics." He said while grabbing me by my armpits and lifting me up so now I was standing in front of him. "I wanted to make sure you don't get stuck." He excused himself.

"How thoughtful of you." I said dramatically while wrapping my hands around his neck.

"I know." Damiano answered, placed his hands around my waist and pulled me closer.

I stood up on my tip toes so Damiano could reach me, he lowered himself down and gave me kiss before we let go.

We walked back inside and danced for a while.

Damiano looked at the time, then at me.

"It's getting pretty late do you think we should get going?" He asked me.

I took a look at the time. "Okay." I agreed.

"I'll call an Uber first and then we can go say goodbye." Damiano instructed and I agreed, he called an Uber then looked at me again." It will be here in 6 minutes." He informed.

"Okay, let's go say goodbye." I said and we walked off. 

At first we found Vic, then Ethan and then Thomas. We said goodbye to all of them and left.

We walked outside and waited for the Uber to arrive a few more minutes, before a black car picked us up.

We greeted the driver and drove back home.

Me and Damiano weren't drunk just a little tipsy, so we were able to have a proper conversation about the streets with the driver.

When we got out of the car Damiano paid while I took of my heels, my feet were so sore from those shoes.

Damiano saw that I took of my shoes so he picked me up bridal style and carried me to the lift where he finally let me.

"Did you have fun today?" I asked out of the blue.

"Yes, did you?" He answered and then asked me.

"Yeah, I did." I said and then turned to Damiano with a more serious look. "Damiano, can you please tell why was the best moment of your life?" I begged him.

"You really want to know?" He asked teasing me. "It was evening we were at the beach. That I night I felt so relaxed and calm, just had a very feeling that day." He said looking at me.

"Good to know." I said. "Even when I started drowning?" I asked smiling.

"That was the best part." He said jokingly as the door of the elevator opened and we walked out.

Damiano unlocked the door of the apartment and I threw myself on to the couch, I was exhausted.


Hey guys, I'm sorry for not posting yesterday, I had a little bit of a writer's block. And I'm also sorry that I'm not going to post for a few weeks, I'm not going to be home.

As always if you enjoyed this part please vote and comment :)

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