CHAPTER 24 - Kim

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Posted: 18th February 2023

Next morning I was woken up by a phone from Kim.

"Good morning y/n, I'll be at yours in about... 5 minutes, are you ready to go?"


"Er... yeah, I'm almost ready." I lied.

"Great, see you in a few."


I quickly hung up the phone and jumped out of bed, I ran towards mu suitcase and began throwing things out in a rush.

"What's the rush?" Sofia asked yawning, while propping herself on her elbows.

"I forgot that Kim was supposed to show me around the building this morning. I didn't set an alarm and now I only have five minutes!"

"Need any help."

"No, just stay out of the way." Then I realized what I just said. "Sorry, it didn't come out right. What I meant is that I just need a bit space this moment."


Since today was a cool day I grabbed a pair of dark blue straight jeans, a cherry red tight shirt and my brown oversized leather jacket.

Knock, knock.

"Come in." I croaked.

Kim entered the room, "Oh dear. You remind me of myself when I was your age." She laughed, I got a bit offended because she was barely older than me. "I'll give 20 more minutes, we don't have more time to spare. And in the meantime I'll get us breakfast."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks."

 Kim gave me a warm smile and closed the door as she walked out.

"That's a relief." Said Sofia mockingly.

The only response she got was my middle finger.

In the twenty minutes I quickly showered, got dressed, pulled my hair into a ponytail and even managed to add a touch of makeup.

This time when Kim came over to pick me up I was ready. I said goodbye to Sofia (only the workers and participants could see the place where Eurovision was this early) and left.

Kim gave me my coffee and a croissant.

"Want to walk or drive?" She asked me.

"Hm...  how long is the walk?"

"About 15 minutes."

"We can walk then, it's not too cold."


While walking I had a very pleasant chat with her, we got to know each other better and she explained how this was her third year working in Eurovision (if you counted 2020).

"So you're Italian?" She asked.

"Yes," I confirmed.

"Why did you move to UK then?"

I thought for a moment, I didn't want to tell her the truth, but it also felt wrong to lie. "Job opportunity." That was half the truth.

"Oh, understandable. On the other hand, I, as native british can't see why a person would choose to live there."

"I thought Britain was quite nice." I said honestly. Kim just shrugged.

"So now that you've been living in Britain you probably barely got to speak Italian."

"I had my sister with me, but yeah, we mostly talked in English, It just felt more... appropriate."

"What about your other family?"

From the Beggining - Damiano DavidTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon