CHAPTER 31 - Thomas

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Posted: April 29, 2023

Few days later my so called 'luck' continued.

One day I was casually working and doing my thing, when I got thirsty.

"I'll be back in ten," I said to Kim as I was getting up.

In fact, I wasn't back in ten, more like twenty.

I walked down the corridor to the closest vending machine, that sold water. I put in my money and watched as the bottle moved closer towards the glass. Then it stopped.

"Are you fucking with me?" I asked the vending machine.

I hit the glass with hope that the bottle will move. Nope. Then I proceeded to try and shake the thing itself. No luck as well.

"If you're not giving me my water I will- I will, uhh. I don't know what I'll do, but it won't end well for you-"

"Y/n?" I hastily turned around. It was Thomas. Was I going to meet every Måneskin member now? Still, it wasn't as bad as seeing Damiano. He had changed in the couple years, his hair was longer and chopped into a messy mullet, it looked good on him. "Cosa fai (What are you doing)?"

"Uhmm... sai, sto solo prendendo dell'acqua, ( know, just getting water)," I laughed awkwardly. "Ma il fatto è che l'acqua non arriva. Scusa. Mi hai beccato nel momento sbagliato (But the thing is that the water isn't coming. Sorry. You caught me at the wrong time)."

He smiled, "che (what)?" I asked.

"Sei sempre stato così (You were always like this)."

Always like this. Always like what? They four of them must see me as some disorganized mess. Just great. This time a Eurovision was supposed to be the best time in my life, but now I always find myself feeling nervous and looking over my shoulder to see if there's Victoria, Thomas, Ethan or even Damiano himself.

I clicked my tongue and talked through gritted teeth, "Grazie (thanks)."

He rolled his eyes, "ho bisogno di aiuto? (need help?)"

I raised my eyebrows, "se sai come aprire questo stupido distributore automatico, allora sì (if you know how to open this stupid vending machine, then yes)," I resisted the urge to kick it.

"Non so "come aprire questo stupido distributore automatico", ma sono venuto qui anche per prendere l'acqua, quindi posso provare a prendere l'acqua e forse l'altra bottiglia spingerà fuori la bottiglia che è bloccata (I don't know 'how to open this stupid vending machine', but I came here to get water too, so I can try getting water and maybe the other bottle will push out the bottle that's stuck)."

"Ti stai prendendo gioco di me (Are you making fun of me)?" I laughed.

"Un po (A little bit,)" he walked closer to the machine. 

"Stronzo (asshole)" I muttered intentionally loud enough for him to hear me, in return Thomas smirked back at me.

And indeed, his plan worked, his bottle kicked mine right out.

"Grazie (thanks)," I thanked.

"Prego (you're welcome)."

"Vuoi unirti a me per una sigaretta (Wanna join me for a fag)?" Thomas asked.

I absent-mindedly looked at him warily. I wanted to catch up with him, but in the same time, that could mean seeing Damiano.

He must've misread my expression, because he said, "non preoccuparti, posso prestarti una sigaretta (no worries, I can lend you a smoke)," I didn't want to seem rude, so I went along.

"Certo, grazie (Sure, thanks)," I bent my head.

When we were outside he lit his cigarette and then handed the box and the lighter to me.

"Bene (Well)..." I started after breathing in and breathing out. I usually didn't smoke often, only on occasions like these.

"Bene? (well?)" he repeated.

"C'è qualcosa che vuoi sapere (Is there something you want to know)?" I asked sucking on my cigarette again.

"Perché hai lasciato? (why did you leave?)" He breathed out. The atmosphere tensed.

"Allora non lo sai, vero? (You don't know then, do you?), "I looked down to stare at my shoes, Thomas shook his head. "tutt'altro che quello. Non dovrei essere io a spiegare (anything but that. I shouldn't be the one to explain)," I said bitterly.

I blinked a few times to stop my eyes from watering.

He cleared his throat, "bene alorra. Dove sei stato? (okay then. Where have you been?)"

"In Inghilterra. Volevo andarmene (In England. I wanted to get away.)" I pressed my eyes harder together, the tears wanted to fall out like waterfalls.

"Vedo. (I see)."

My emotions felt too strong, I needed to leave and leave right now, "Mi spiace devo andare. Ho molto da fare. (I'm sorry, I have to go. Got a lot to do.)" I stubbed out my barely burnt cigarette.

"è stato bello vederti. (It was good to see you!)" Thomas called after me.

"Anche tu. (You too.)" 

Our meeting didn't go as well as it did with Vic.

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Next post: May 6, 2023 - May 29, 2023

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