CHAPTER 25 - The Moon

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Posted: 25th February 2023

Kim continued the tour of the whole building for the next two days. I thankful for that, because otherwise I would have not remembered anything if it was all pushed on me in one or even two days.

"I have a suggestion." Kim said as we walked through the streets to my hotel, she decided that she wanted to walk me there.

"What?" I asked turning to look at her.

"Let's go out, you know, to celebrate 'the end of tour' or something like?"

"From now on remember that I don't need an excuse to get drunk." I answered humorlessly.

"Is that a yes?"

I raised an eyebrow and she chuckled. "What time?"

"we shouldn't stay out for too long so maybe 9?"

"Okay," she agreed, "where to?"

"Miss Kim, you're the local here."

"Right. You know what I'll just come to your room at 9 and we'll walk to this bar I know, I just can't seem to remember the name."

"Fine by me," Then I remembered something. "Hey, is it okay if I bring my sister?"

"'course, the more the merrier."

It was now few minutes to 8 o'clock, me and Sofia started getting ready. I decided to wear a layered leather skirt with a sheer blouse on my black bodysuit  and Sofia wore an emerald green linen dress.

When Kim arrived to pick us up she looked stunning in her her right red dress and a lipstick in a matching color.

"Ready?" She asked us.

"Come in inside for a sec, we'll start with a predrink." I pulled her in by the wrist.

"Sofia is my savior, good girl knows what her big sister needs." I said puling off the lid of the drink.

I spilled the drink into three glasses and raised mine up, "cheers!" we all clicked our glasses together. I drowned by drink in one go, it had become some sort of tradition for me to drink my first drink of the night in one go.

"You're extreme." Kim said as I placed my glass on the coffee table with a  thud.

"What can I say? Years of practice, aren't I right Sof?"

"Hear, hear!" agreed.

I waited for them until they were finished with their drinks to go out.

It was a very short walk, less than 10 minutes, good to know that it will be easy to get back.

"You can stay at ours for the night." I suggested.

"Oh yes stay!" Sofia chided in, "It can be like a sleepover or something."

"Only since you want me so much." Kim teased.

The bar was quite empty, but it was no surprise, it was a Tuesday, we were lucky to have tomorrow off.

"I love this song!" Kim said as some sort of rap song started. She hurried of to the dance and who was I not to follow after. For about an hour all three of us swayed our hips to the rhythm and until we were hot and out of breath.

"I'll go get a drink." Sofia said, "any specifics?"

"I'm fine with whatever." I replied.

"Same here." Said Kim.

"We'll go find a table." I said.

"Okay, I'll be back soon." Sofia turned to the bar and walked off while Kim and I found a free table by a window.

Soon later she came back with tray of drink, we all cheered and dug in. 

After a few rounds I was feeling very light, there was a warm fuzz inside me, "beautiful isn't it?"

"What?" Kim asked.

"The moon, starts... the sky." I answered dreamily.

"It is." She agreed.

"You know what's amazing?" I asked and not waiting for an answer continued. "It is the same moon you, no matter where you are... it's still the same. The same stars... sky... amazing." I babbled.

"Yeah... quite fascinating." She agreed, but I could sense that she didn't fully understand what I meant.

"I mean... two people can be looking at the same moon from completely different places of the earth, you know? And they would be looking at the same moon. That seems a bit..." But I didn't finish my thought, there wasn't a word to describe it. Fascinating? Interesting? Special? They all felt wrong, there just wasn't a word.

"I think I know what you mean." She finally said, but I she knew she didn't, I couldn't even explain what I meant. "You're getting queasy, let's go home."

"Fine," I didn't argue, instead I grabbed my purse and stood up.

Since all of us were drunk the walk took twice as long to get back then to go there.

"water." I said when we got back, I was starting to regain my sober mind. I filled three cups of water and gave them to the two girls who were almost past out.

All three of us took of the uncomfortable clothes and curled up in the same bed. I always liked to have someone close when I was drunk, I guess I wasn't the only one.

Next post: 4th March 2023 - 25th March 2023

Word count: 0.8k

I promise this is the last non Maneskin chapter. I didn't even realize how long it was, I just love angst.

Please leave comments because I'm living for them.

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